Commitment form contents
Commitment form contents
(a) I identify with S-Word EFC as striving to be a biblical and caring church where members grow in the knowledge and experience of God. We also emphasize building relationships with family members, friends, the community and people overseas to bring them to Christ.
(b) I will attend worship service, nurturing class and involve in the body life of this church.
(c) I will fulfill my Christian duty of tithing to this church.
(d) In the event that my conduct contradicts the Scriptures or church direction, I accept any reminder or admonition from church leaders.
(e) I give consent for the church to collect, use or disclose my personal data for legitimate and reasonable purposes in shepherding.
a. 我认同:为道播道会致力成为一个符合圣经真理并充满关怀的教会,会友在认识和经历上帝中成长。我们也看重与家人、朋友、社区及海外同胞建立美好的关系,从而引领他们归向基督。
b. 我愿意参与教会崇拜聚会、培训课程以及肢体生活。
c. 我愿意在本教会尽上基督徒十一奉献的责任。
d. 我所行的若不符合教会方向或违背圣经真理,我愿意接受教会领袖的提醒及劝勉。
e. 我同意教会在牧养的情况下合法或合理的收集我的个人资料,并使用或透露它。