Day 7: What happened between Good Friday and Easter?

Day 7: What happened between Good Friday and Easter?

Day 7: What happened between Good Friday and Easter?–66
Week 15: 08/04/2023. Sat

Saturday's 24 hours (when Jesus was in the tomb) was the longest of the three days, because Friday had the long crucifixion before His death in the afternoon. Sunday morning was the empty tomb already.

When Christians are asked, "What happened between Good Friday and Easter?", very few could say much about it.

Matthew mentioned the attempt to seal the tomb to make it more "secure" so that its occupant could not be "misused" by Jesus' disciples to create more trouble. Unlike Friday and Easter, very little could be said.

That the Heavenly Father left His beloved Son in the tomb for a full 24 hours speaks volumes:

That death is real. That Jesus' death on the cross was real. That Jesus' humanity was real. He qualified as a sacrifice, and did actually die for humanity.

That God's punishment for sin is not a joking virtual matter. Sin has real consequences—death.

The Father was teaching today's believers that whenever we feel that God doesn't seemed too silent, or we are at a loss as to what's happening, or why God hasn't "saved" us from a certain situation, we are to look at Jesus' example on Saturday, the day between Good Friday and Easter.

May you find comfort and obtain valuable takeaways, when you reflect on Jesus in tomb today from Matt 27:62–66, where the Omnipotent God left Him lying there, for a full 24 hours.