QT 06/12/2024 Fri. 1Peter 2. Become Who You Are. 成为真正的你.

QT 06/12/2024 Fri. 1Peter 2. Become Who You Are. 成为真正的你.

QT  06/12/2024 Friday. 1Peter 2. Friday 06/12/2024 1Peter 2. Become Who You Are.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/pet2

Longing for the pure spiritual milk (1Pe 2:2) is a decision each of us has to make, so that there can be spiritual growth. Do not be swayed by others who reject Jesus or are ashamed of being associated with Him (1Pe 2:6-8).

Obeying the word makes all the difference. Would you make a conscious decision to be familiar with His Word and live as "sojourners and exiles" (1Pe 2:11) in this short journey on earth?

Peter's readers have privileged status in God's eyes, "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession" (1Pe 2:9-10, Exo 19:4-6). As God's people, then and now, the filth referred to in 1Pe 2:1,11 must be avoided. The use of "freedom as a cover-up for evil" must not happen (1Pe 2:16).

While living in this world, the motivating factor for submission to authority is "for the Lord's sake" (1Pe 2:13). The response of God's people should be to continue "doing good" (1Pe 2:15), even when faced with "unjust" masters (1Pe 2:18-19).

God's people live in this difficult and challenging world. Peter exhorts God's people to follow Christ, who "did not revile in return" (1Pe 2:23) and "did not threaten" (1Pe 2:23) but "entrusted himself to him who judges justly" (1Pe 2:23). Will you respond similarly today?

星期五 2024年11月6日 今日读经:彼得前书2章. 成为真正的你.



彼得的读者在神的眼里是有特殊身份的,是“蒙拣选的族类,是君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国民,是属 神的子民”(彼前2:9-10,出19:4-6)。身为神的子民,过去和现在,彼前2:1,11所提到的污秽一定要避开。用“自由来掩饰邪恶”是绝对不能发生的(彼前2:16)。

