QT 29/10/2024 Tue. Titus 3. Inclusiveness' Limit. 包容性极限.
QT 29/10/2024 Tue. Titus 3
READ https://www.esvbible.org/tit3
"Inclusiveness" of the wrong kind was clearly rebutted when Paul instructed Titus, saying "Have nothing more to do with him" (Tit 3:10) after warning this divisive person twice.
Paul instructed Titus to remind others to submit to "rulers and authorities", be obedient, not to slander, and take a generally peaceable attitude towards others (Tit 3:1-2).
This was contrasted with the former way of life before Christ - foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. In the past, malice and envy ruled. However, in light of their encounter with Jesus Christ the Saviour, believers were to devote themselves to doing what is good (Tit 3:8) and not be idle (Tit 3:14).
Tit 3:9-11 warns against fixing our minds on "foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law" due to its futility (Tit 3:9).
REFLECTION: If Christ saved us in order to do works, how much have I done? What good works am I doing now? Have I taken steps to "have nothing more to do" with a divisive person, so that I can protect myself and my community from the consequential harm?
星期二 2024年10月29日 今日读经:提多书3章. 包容性极限.
反省: 如果基督拯救我们是为了让我们做善事,那么我做了多少善事?我现在又在做哪些善事呢? 我是否采取行动与那些分门结党的人“划清界线”,以保护自己和所在的团体不遭到伤害?