QT 01/07/2024 Mon. 1Cor 3. 哥林多前书3章

QT 01/07/2024 Mon. 1Cor 3. 哥林多前书3章

QT 01/07/2024 Mon. 1Cor 3.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/1cor3

In 1Cor 3, readers were to check themselves in the mirror for 2 things:-

  1. What they have been doing for God (1Cor 3:1-17)?
  2. How they look at themselves and fellow believers (1Cor 3:18-23)?

First, have they been doing "spiritual things" for God? No, they were immature, as evidenced by

(a) Jealousy against one another (1Cor 3:3)

(b) Strife / quarreling among themselves (1Cor 3:3)

(c) Being people of the flesh by placing their loyalty with humans instead of God (1Cor 5-9)

If the foundation of their work is not Jesus Christ, their work will not survive the test of fire on "the Day" (1Cor 3:11, 13). Some may find comrades based on common agenda, common enemies or ideas. But may the common foundation of our works be Jesus Christ, in which case it is "God who gives the growth" (1Cor 3:7).

Second, we should look at fellow believers as God's holy temple. The "you" in 1Cor 3:16-17 are plurals, "you all" (你们). As a group, the Corinthians are God's holy temple. The implication is that the temple should be kept holy as a corporate unity.

All immorality, division and strife ultimately pollute the temple. This situation "destroys God's temple" (1Cor 3:17). The consequence is severe, "God will destroy him" (1Cor 3:17). The Corinthian problem of vying for influence and power based on worldly "wisdom" displayed should be avoided, because God will out-flank these power-brokers (1Cor 3:19).

In fact, the unity among believers should be recognised and protected because the base of the relationships among believers is traced all the way to God Himself (1Cor 3:22-23), instead of Paul (1Cor 3:4), Apollos (1Cor 3:4), Cephas (1Cor 3:22) or men (1Cor 3:21).

Paul urged them to grow towards sanctification because of who they already WERE:
(a) Paul addressed them as "those SANCTIFIED in Christ Jesus" (1Cor 1:2)
(b) They were "the CHURCH OF GOD in Corinth" (1Cor 1:2)
(c) They had the "holy" status (1Cor 1:2)
(d) Paul notes the COMMON Lordship of Christ over Corinth and believers EVERYWHERE - "Called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours" (1 Cor 1:2).

REFLECTION: In view of the above, are we treating anyone within the spiritual community with less respect than that? Are we not fellow repented sinners on the way to recovery so as to be the sanctified church of God in STATUS as well as PRACTICE?

星期一 2024年7月1日 今日读经:哥林多前书3章


(1) 他们为神作了什么 (林前3:1-17)?

(2) 他们如何看待自己和信徒(林前3:18-23)?


(a) 他们互相嫉妒(林前3:3)

(b) 他们之间有争吵/纷争(林前3:3)

(c) 成为属肉体的的人,忠于人而不忠于神(林前5-9)


第二,我们应该把信徒看为是神的圣殿,在林前3:16-17的“you”是复数词,“you all”(你们)。作为一个群体,哥林多人是神的圣殿。这意味着这殿必须以一个整体持守圣洁。




(a) 保罗称他们为“在基督耶稣里已分别为圣”的人(林前1:2)

(b) 他们是“哥林多神的教会”(林前1:2)

(c) 他们是“圣徒”的身份(林前1:2)

(d) 保罗也提到基督是哥林多和所有信徒的主--“蒙召为圣徒的人,和所有在各地呼求我们主耶稣基督的名的人。基督是他们的主,也是我们的主。”(林前1:2).
