QT 01/10/2024 Tue. 1Thessalonians 1. Steadfastly hoping for His coming. 坚定不移地期盼着主的再来.
QT 01/10/2024 Tue. 1Thessalonians 1. Steadfastly hoping for His coming.
Paul wrote to Thessalonica, a young church. He and those who had heard about it, praised the church. Their "work of faith", "labour of love" and "steadfastness of hope" were remembered dearly by Paul (1Thes 1:3).
The praises related to how the Thessalonians accepted the gospel eagerly (1Thes 1:6), how they progressed in spiritual growth, how they persevered in spite of persecutions and how they were "an example to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia" (1Thes 1:7).
The young Thessalonian church, however, had their challenges too:-
(1) There existed a smear campaign to damage Paul's reputation. Opponents of Paul who refused to acknowledge and submit to Paul's leadership bad-mouthed his character and work;
(2) They were influenced wrongly—that since Christ is coming soon, let's not work;
(3) As new believers who were now in Christ, they should stay away from immoral conduct. They should respect leadership, promote love and peace among the brothers.
REFLECTION: What is your reputation? Are you a good model for others? Are others thankful that you exist?
星期二 2024年10月1日 帖撒罗尼迦前书1章。坚定不移地期盼着主的再来。