QT 02/09/2024 Mon. Ezekiel 19. Lion's wrong behaviour. 狮子的错误行为。

QT 02/09/2024 Mon. Ezekiel 19. Lion's wrong behaviour. 狮子的错误行为。

QT 02/09/2024 Mon. Ezekiel 19. Lion's wrong behaviour.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze19

MEDITATION: Ezekiel 19 presents readers with a riddle.

REFLECTION: Who was the first lion cub (Ezek 19:2-4)? Who was the second (Ezek 19:5-9)? Could any of the two cubs be the "violent son" of Ezek 18:10-13, or the righteous who turned away to wickedness (Ezek 18:26)?

When the God of a temple has already left his temple (Ezek 10-11), and his people have also left their land via exile, what's there more to do then to sing a funeral dirge--a "lamentation" (Ezek 19:1,14)?

The image of a lion's cub brings to mind Gen 49:9, "Judah is a lion's cub;..." But in Ezek 19, these cub ended up in Egypt and Babylon because they "devoured men" (Ezek 19:3,6) and even "seized their widows" (Ezek 19:7). Incidentally, King David was from the tribe of Judah (1Sam 17:12) and he did take the widow (Bathsheba) of a man he killed (Uriah) (2Sam 11:26-27).

APPLICATION: Be aware that royal STATUS and glorious DYNASTY of whatever sort did not save evil kings like Jehoahaz (2Kgs 23:31-33) nor Zedekiah (2Kgs 25:7) from Egyptian or Babylonian exile even though they were "cubs" of the Davidic dynasty.

Being "fruitful", "strong" and "thick" like the vine of Ezek 19:10-14 was also no guarantee of survival. To "turn, and live" (Ezek 18:32) was still the best policy!

星期一 2024年9月2日 今日读经:以西结书19章。



当一座圣殿的神已离开圣殿(结10-11), 而他的子民也因被掳而离开了他们的国土,除了唱葬礼的挽歌----一首哀歌,还能做什么(结19:1,14)?

幼狮的形象让人想起创世纪49:9,“犹大是只小狮子;....” 但是在以西结19章,这些幼狮却沦落在埃及和巴比伦,因为它们“把人吃掉” (结19:3,6) 甚至“夺了他们的遗孀”(结19:7)。巧的是,大卫王是出自犹大支派(撒上17:12)而他也抢夺了一个他杀害的人(乌利亚)的遗孀(拔示巴) (撒下11:26-27)。

应用:注意,无论是哪种皇家的地位或辉煌的王朝,都无法从埃及或巴比伦的手中拯救恶王如约哈斯(王下23:31-33)或西底家(王下25:7),尽管他们都是大卫王朝的“幼狮”。就算“结果累累”、“高大”和“粗壮” 就像结19:10-14的葡萄枝子一样,也不能保证能够存活。“回转,得以存活”(结18:32)才是最好的保障!