QT 03/02/2025 Mon. Song of Songs 4. Lock, unlock and implications for song quality. 锁定、解锁和对歌曲质量的影响。

QT 03/02/2025 Mon. Song of Songs 4. Lock, unlock and implications for song quality. 锁定、解锁和对歌曲质量的影响。

QT 03/02/2025 Mon. Song of Songs 4. Lock, unlock and implications for song quality.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/song4

Song 4 comprises much of the man's praise for his lover (4:1–6). The mystery in the suggestive details that also obscure the exact attributes that he saw in her also heightens the excite and longing for her.

The veil was important in the ancient times (4:1) as well as now. The veil conceals much from the man, and also fends off those not eligible to access what is behind the veil. The scope of his applause for her—her eyes, hair, teeth, lips, cheeks, neck and breasts is broader than modern day depictions in movies and soap operas.

The modern day lover is thus reminded not to reduce beauty from its totality to something less. Comparisons with doves, goats, washing, thread and the tower of David enables us some idea of what he was thinking of and his delight and attraction for her.

In using the mountain peaks of Amana, Senir and Hermon with their association with lions and leopards (4:8), the text hints of the difficulty of ascending these mountain peaks due to their hostile environment, the wilderness dangers and the low temperature cum high wind environment. Many of us today would agree that relationships are fraught with dangers because it is so powerful to draw the other yet as powerful to smash and destroy ruthlessly when things go wrong.

Song of Solomon 4:12–15
[12] A garden locked is my sister, my bride,
a spring locked, a fountain sealed.
[13] Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates
with all choicest fruits,
henna with nard,
[14] nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon,
with all trees of frankincense,
myrrh and aloes,
with all choice spices—
[15] a garden fountain, a well of living water,
and flowing streams from Lebanon. (ESV)

Therefore the idea of the "lock" and the enclosed "garden" were deployed in 4:12, 15, 16 to bring forth the idea of inaccessibility of the woman, especially before her betrothal.

Unlock the garden before the appointed time, or locking the garden when it was supposed to be open, are all frailties of humanity and sinfulness of mankind that would cause the song to drop from number #1 on the "song chart" to the bottom of it, where disappointment, regret, guilt, anger, shame and thoughts of revenge might consume careless participants in this intense man-woman relationships.

Song of Solomon 4:16–5:1
[16] Awake, O north wind,
and come, O south wind!
Blow upon my garden,
let its spices flow.
Let my beloved come to his garden,
and eat its choicest fruits. (ESV)
[1] I came to my garden, my sister, my bride,
I gathered my myrrh with my spice,
I ate my honeycomb with my honey,
I drank my wine with my milk.
Eat, friends, drink,
and be drunk with love! (ESV)

The final point is this: notice that towards the end of Song 4, the many "you" and "your" have now become "my"—my garden, my sister, my bride, my myrrh, my spice, my honeycomb, my honey, my wine and my milk. All these change of perspective happen after she invites him, "Let my beloved come to his garden" (4:16), no longer "my garden". This signifies profound respect, obtaining permission from her that is free of coercion and manipulation. This willing invitation is foundational in propelling this song to the top of the charts.

"Eat, friends, and drink" above was for others, including the readers of this book. Readers are to read, observe the lovers and hear and learn. Regardless of your age and gender, would you strive to learn and practice all the good attitudes and actions that are displayed in human relationships that you have learned so far?

QT 03/02/2025 星期一. 雅歌 4. 锁定、解锁和对歌曲质量的影响。

雅歌 4 包含了男子对他所爱的女子的赞美(4:1-6)。暗示性细节中的神秘感也模糊了他所看到的她的确切特质,这也加剧了他对她的激动和渴望。




雅歌 4:12-15 我的妹妹,我的新妇,是上了闩的园子,是上了锁的水井,是封闭了的泉源。13 你所栽种的是一所石榴园,有极美的果子,有凤仙花和哪达树。14 有哪达和番红花,菖蒲和肉桂,以及各种乳香树、没药和沉香,与各样精选的香料。15 你是园中的泉源,是活水的井,是从黎巴嫩山流下来的溪水。

因此,4:12、15、16 中使用了 “锁 ”和封闭的 “花园 ”的概念,以表达他人无法接触女子的意思,尤其是在她结婚之前。

在约定的时间之前打开园子的锁,或者在园子本应开放的时候上锁,这些都是人性的弱点和人类的罪孽,会导致这首歌从 "歌曲排行榜 "的第一名跌落到榜单的末尾——失望、后悔、内疚、愤怒、羞耻和报复的念头可能会吞噬这场激烈的男女关系中粗心大意的参与者。

雅歌 4:16-5:1

最后一点是:请注意,在第 4 章的结尾,许多 "你 "和 "你的 "现在都变成了 "我的"--我的花园、我的姐妹、我的新娘、我的没药、我的香料、我的蜂窝、我的蜂蜜、我的酒和我的奶。所有这些观点的转变都发生在她邀请他之后,"愿我的良人进入他自己的园中,享用他佳美的果子 (4:16),而不再是 "我的园子"而是他的。这意味着深深的尊重、明确的允许,而不是胁迫和操纵。这种心甘情愿的邀请是将这首歌推向榜首的基础。

上面的 “吃饭、交朋友、喝酒 ”是说给别人听的,包括这本书的读者。读者是要阅读、观察恋人、聆听和学习的。无论你的年龄和性别如何,你是否愿意努力学习和实践迄今为止所学到的人际交往中表现出的所有良好态度和行为?