QT 03/09/2024 Tue. Ezekiel 20. Responsibility for one's action. 对自己的行为负责。
QT 03/09/2024 Tue. Ezekiel 20
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze20
MEDITATION: Ezekiel 20 continues to look at the responsibility each generation had for their own conduct. Note that many of the "you" in Ezekiel 19 and 20 are in the plural--referring to the corporate identity of Israel rather than each individual.
Ezekiel cited the example of Israel's past in the exodus from Egypt (Ezek 20:5-6) and the wilderness wanderings (Ezek 20:13-17). Israel was responsible for their own responses to the LORD.
Ezekiel's account did not feature Moses nor Joshua--don't blame leaders for Israel's plight. Neither should they blame the terrain for lack of water, nor the Moabites for enticing them into whoring and idolatry.
APPLICATION: Respond to the LORD's active work in working out salvation for Israel. Turn to Him always. Be grateful, knowing that the LORD did this for the sake of His name (Ezek 20:9,14,22,39) inspite of Israel's failings.
星期二 2024年9月3日 今日读经:以西结书20章。 对自己的行为负责。