QT 04/03/2024 Monday Luke 9. The costs of raising disciples. 培养门徒的代价。

QT 04/03/2024 Monday Luke 9
The disciples had just learnt from the Lord and were ready to go for their “internships” in ministry, "to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal" (Luke 9:2).
This was a challenging task! Early in their ministry, Jesus wanted them to rely on Him, and not on their own resources (Luke 9:3); that they be tough when faced with a hard prospect, and be humble when faced with a kind one (Luke 9:4-5).
But these were the smaller, easier lessons. Tougher lessons from Jesus were to follow:
Peter started to learn what it would take to declare Christ as the Messiah (Luke 9:18-21). This was not an easy thing to do, as Peter would find out later;
Jesus predicted His own death and in a sense foretold the disciples’ deaths (Luke 9:23-26). Many of them would die violently eventually; and
Jesus reversed their expectations on the price they had to pay and the reward they were expecting to receive (Luke 9:23-27).
REFLECTIONS – What Price Discipleship?
What does it mean to take up our cross and what is the “life” that we expect to lose? (Luke 9:23-24)
What is the expected sacrifice and what is the reward? (Luke 9:46-47)
S-Word, we have read all about the cost and the price of following Jesus and becoming his disciples. Are we willing to let ourselves become less, learn from the Master and be true disciples?
Let's get serious on discipleship. This means a daily denial of the self which may require giving up the world and giving in to God and His purposes.
But it also means that we get a real piece of the meaningful action in His kingdom. Let’s make these lessons count by letting ourselves and our contributions become pleasing sacrifices! Just as His will is done on earth as it is in heaven, so is the reward of an abundant life here and great treasures there given!
星期一 2024年3月4日 今日读经:路加福音9章