QT 04/08/2024 Sun. 2Cor 11. Joint efforts towards purity. 共同努力实现纯洁。

QT 04/08/2024 Sun. 2Cor 11. Joint efforts towards purity. 共同努力实现纯洁。

QT 04/08/2024 Sun. 2Cor 11.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor11

The relationship between Christ, the minister and the church is described beautifully by Paul. Paul uses the analogy of a virgin (the church) who has been betrothed to a man (Christ). Here, Paul is like the father who has betrothed his daughter to a man.

In Paul’s time, betrothal came before marriage for Jews. It was taken seriously—a betrothed woman who had sexual relations with another man would be considered adulterous. A couple would get betrothed at an early age. From then till the wedding, the father was responsible to safeguard his daughter’s virginity.

In the case of Paul, he was guarding the purity and devotion of the church to Christ while she was in the world. It was no easy job guarding the Corinthian church, who had "put up" with all sorts of false teachings "readily enough" (2Cor 11:4). Viewed through this analogy, the relationship between Paul, the church, and Christ takes on some new significance.

(1) Paul’s sternness (e.g. calling false teachers servants of Satan, 2Cor 11:15) came from his love for the church due to what's at stake.

(2) In keeping her pure, Paul was striving for the benefit of the church and for her future.

(3) Paul was committed to the church in a long-term way, despite numerous sufferings (2Cor 11:23-33).

REFLECTION: How would you describe the role played by those who minister to you? Can you see them labouring in the role of guarding the betrothed too?

The way you view them affects your response to them and their ministry.

APPLICATION (1): Work towards a RELATIONSHIP of love and trust with those who minister to you (as between a betrothed daughter and her father).

APPLICATION (2): Work WITH them towards the same direction of the purity and devotion of the church to Christ.

星期日 2024年8月4日 今日读经:哥林多后书11章.


在保罗的年代,犹太人必须在还没结婚前先定亲。这是很被重视的: 一个已定了亲的妇女如果与别的男子发生关系,那就是犯了奸淫。一对情侣可能是在年纪很轻的时候就定亲。从定亲到结婚那期间,父亲有责任守护女儿的贞操。


(1) 保罗的严厉(例如,把撒旦的仆人称为假教师,林后11:15)来自对教会的爱因为这里的利害关系非同小可。

(2) 保罗确保教会纯洁,致力于为教会的利益和未来付出努力。

(3) 保罗对教会的委身是长期的,即便他受了许多的苦难(林后11:23-33)。




应用(2): 与他们一起致力于保证教会的纯洁和对基督的忠诚。