QT 05/06/2024 Wed. Acts 25. No stopping the way. 前途无阻。

QT 05/06/2024 Wed. Acts 25. No stopping the way. 前途无阻。

QT 05/06/2024 Wed. Acts 25.

Look at Acts. Should Rome accept this "religion and about a certain Jesus, who was dead, but whom Paul asserted to be alive"? (Acts 25:19)

Yes! Luke hoped to persuade Theophilus (Luke 1:3 & Acts 1:1) that the superpower of those days (Rome) should look favourably upon "the Way" (Acts 9:2, 19:9, 19:23, 24:14).

Whereas the opponents petitioned to the authorities that Paul "ought not to live any longer" (Acts 25:24),  Rome's representative in Caesarea (Festus) found nothing deserving death (Acts 25:25).

"The Way" was maligned in Acts. But The Way continued unstoppable on the way to the ends of the earth. Jesus was nailed to the cross at Jerusalem by Rome's representative. But now, in Acts 25, Jesus' apostle Paul, is starting on a journey TO Rome!

Chief priests and Jewish leaders in Acts 25:2-3 were "preparing an ambush to kill him along the way", but Paul appealed to Caesar (25:11), thus escaping their clutch.

Festus, sensing the opportunity to quickly rid himself of Paul (the hot potato), declared: "To Caesar you have appealed; to Caesar you shall go." (Acts 25:12) Festus' hot potato was God's important witness.

REFLECTION: In all these, did you sense that God is LORD over history, where (somehow) His plans punched through all the opposition and schemes of the opponents in Acts 25? Look out for the next 3 chapters where Paul journeyed to Rome in totally unexpected and unthinkable ways.

APPLICATION: God might lead you on exciting and challenging paths. Do not lose hope as we participate in the preaching of The Way to the ends of the earth. God is in control even when you do not sense it. Trust Him to work out the best for His purposes.

星期三 2024年6月5日 今日读经:使徒行传25章。道路途无阻。







