QT 05/12/2024 Thu. 1Peter 1. Our Present & Future Salvation. 我们现在和未来的救赎.
QT 05/12/2024 Thu. 1Peter 1. Our Present & Future Salvation.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/pet1
God have chosen you believers for salvation and separating you all from the world. How is this possible when we still live in this world? God does this through the Spirit, who applies the blood of Christ to you believers in such a way that you have the inclinations to obey God. Believers should rejoice in God’s salvation despite present sufferings, nothing always that these sufferings are part of God’s plan, as testified to by the Old Testament prophets.
In this life, believers must live up to who they are—children of God, by setting their hope on Christ’s coming. Would you be holy, fearing God, and loving one another as foundations of our outlook in life? To help his readers in this aspect, Peter writes to scattered Gentile believers scattered over a wide geographical area:
(1) To RECOUNT for them: (a) God's great mercy shown to them, (b) the living hope they have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, (c) the everlasting inheritance and (d) salvation of their souls (1Pe 1:3-9). Even the prophets and angels were looking forward to these things (1Pe 1:10-12).
(2) To EXHORT them not to go back to the "passions of your former ignorance" (1Pe 1:14). On the contrary, they should lead holy lives "since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy." (1Pe 1:16, Lev 11:44-45). Self-control is vital here (1Pe 1:13), especially when they have to "set" their hopes fully on Jesus' grace instead of other things.
(3) To CONSIDER themselves as "strangers" in the world but to live in reverent fear of God and to set their "faith and hope" in God (1Pe 1:17-21).
(4) To REMIND them that they have been "purified" by obeying the truth, the result of which is "a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart" (1Pet 1:22).
REFLECTION: Since "all flesh is like grass... and flower", about to wither and fall (1Pe 1:24), in what things should we invest our energy, resources and thoughts?
APPLICATION: Press on towards holiness, faith in God, forsaking past sins. Set the mind on the praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ appears again (1Pe 1:13). Accept the "exile" feeling as we stand firm on God's truth (1Pe 1:1,17). Await the "inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you" (1Pe 1:4).
星期四 2024年12月5日 今日读经:彼得前书1章. 我们现在和未来的救赎.
(1) 目的是为他们数算:(a)神对他们极大的怜悯, (b)他们在耶稣基督的复活有活着的盼望,(c)那永恒的基业和(d)被拯救的灵魂(彼前1:3-9)。就连先知和天使也很期待察看这些事(彼前1:10-12)。
(2) 呼吁他们不要再效法“从前无知的时候放纵私欲的生活”(彼前1:14)。相反的,他们必须过圣洁的生活“因为圣经上记着说:'你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。'”(彼前1:16,利11:44-45)。自制是很重要的(彼前1:13),尤其当他们必须把他们的希望完全“寄托”在耶稣的恩典而不是寄托在其他东西。
(3) 要把自己看为“寄居”在世上的人但要存敬畏神的心,并叫他们的“信心和盼望”都在于 神(彼前1:17-21)。
(4) 提醒他们,他们已在顺服真理中心灵被“洁净”,其结果将是“真诚地爱弟兄,从清洁的心里彼此切实相爱”(彼前1:22)。