QT 06/02/2025 Thu. Song of Songs 7. The LORD, Creator over the sensual. 耶和华,感官的创造者。
QT 06/02/2025 Thu. Song of Songs 7. The LORD, Creator over the sensual.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/song7
Who is going to reach the next generation faster on teaching this topic, social media, educational institutions or you QT readers in our church?
Every part of the woman's body is praised by her lover, as beautiful and a masterpiece (7:1), nourishing and life sustaining (7:2). Further praises were heaped upon the description of her breasts (7:3), neck, eyes and nose (7:4), head and hair (7:5). The sensual and the desirable were described in textual form for the readers.
Various cultures in the world today might unnecessarily mute or erroneously highlight the physical and the sensual. Yet chapter 7, which possibly contains the most erotic and sensual descriptions of physical beauty in Scripture, reminds readers that this topic is part of The LORD's idea as He created the world with humanity in it. This was not the movie houses' brainchild.
If you want to sing the best of songs, you must not shy away from this topic when teaching the next generation. The topic of sensuality should not be met with a "eeeee" exclamation signifying distastefulness or uncleanness but with a "Ooooo" as per 7:1, 7:6 and 7:13 or "Oh" in 7:8 signifying awe and appreciation for what The LORD had created in both man and woman.
Satan would probably not deny the existence of sex and sensuality, but would inevitably misuse and distort what The LORD had created beautifuly into something that misrepresent reality (Satan frequently did this in history). So do be careful.
Sex as God's gift, and sensuality that is enjoyed within God-given relationships (wife-husband) lead readers and participants in human nature to see the glory and wisdom of God. The end goal of Song of Songs is nothing less than glorifying God. We should not make it any less.
QT 06/02/2025 星期四. 雅歌 7. 耶和华,感官的创造者。
当今世界的各种文化可能会不必要地弱化或错误地展示出肉体和感官的画面。然而,第 7 章可能是《圣经》中对肉体之美的最热烈和最感性的描述,它提醒读者,这个主题是耶和华创造世界和人类时的想法的一部分。这不是电影公司的创意。
如果你想唱出最好的歌曲,那么在教导下一代时就不能回避这个话题。对于感性的话题,不应该发出 “eeeee”的感叹,表示厌恶或不洁,而应该发出 “阿”的感叹 (类似 7:1、7:6,8、7:13)表示对耶和华所创造的男人和女人的敬畏和赞赏。