QT 06/03/2024 Wednesday Luke 11. For or against the Mighty One? 支持还是反对 "全能者"?

QT 06/03/2024 Wednesday Luke 11. For or against the Mighty One? 支持还是反对 "全能者"?

QT 06/03/2024 Wednesday Luke 11. For or against the Mighty One?

Has our Christian walk been beautiful or ugly? Praying the prayer of Luke 11:2-4 as taught by Jesus will help.

Addressing God as Father who is in heaven might re-orientate our minds to His wisdom, power and loving-kindness in all of our decision making;

Uttering that His name be "hallowed" might remind us of His holiness and His right to be the foundation and source of all true and real knowledge;

Requesting for forgiveness (Luke 11:4) that is accompanied by our ACTS of forgiving others become steps by which broken relationships can be restored again;

Acknowledging imperfectness in handling all temptations (Luke 11:4) might make a person to be humble before his Holy God. That person would also be more resolved to avoid tempting situations.

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" (Luke 11:23)

We can't sit on the fence. While there are those who advocate all roads lead to Rome, we would not have this liberty if we want to meet Jesus face to face one day𠅁He WOULD judge us, "Were you with me or against me?"

星期三 2024年3月6日 今日读经:路加福音11章. 支持还是反对 "全能者"?






