QT 06/08/2024 Tue. 2Cor 13. Benefits of God's Authority. 上帝权威的益处

QT 06/08/2024 Tue. 2Cor 13. Benefits of God's Authority. 上帝权威的益处

QT 06/08/2024 Tue. 2Cor 13
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor13

"Authority" might suggest excessive control and restricting others' freedom. But godly authority can be a beautiful picture.

(1) The source of godly authority is God.

This authority is given by God (2Cor 13:10). Thus the one to whom it is given does not have to 'fight' to retain it. If that authority is challenged, like it was with Paul, this leader can be assured of who he is and what he is doing.

God would defend the authority He has given to those who represent Him on earth. At the same time, God stands above the authority He gives, so leaders are still accountable to God.

(2) The goal of godly authority is constructive.

Godly authority aims to build people up, not tear them down (2Cor 13:10). It longs for the "perfection" of its followers (2Cor 13:9). However, true love needs to include tough discipline over sin (2Cor 13:2), just as Paul gave them various chances through his "second visit" (2Cor 13:2) and letters.

Paul would use his God given authority on the rebellious minority in Corinthian when necessary only (2Cor 13:10).

REFLECTION: Are you able to "meet the test" (2Cor 13:5-7), knowing full well that the presence and power of "Jesus Christ is in you" (2Cor 13:5), and growing each day towards perfection? Are you teachable by the authority God has set over you?

APPLICATION: A beautiful church requires hard work from both leaders and followers. Bear in mind the unchangeable joy in the LORD, strive for agreement of minds, extend courtesy generously. Hopefully, you all would experience and enjoy the trinity God abundantly (2Cor 13:14).

星期二 2024年8月6日 今日读经:哥林多后书13章. 上帝权威的益处


(1) 神圣的权柄来自于神。



(2) 神圣权柄的目的是有建设性的。



反思: 你是否能够“通过考验”(林后13:5-7),你是知道的,“耶稣基督就在你们里面”(林后13:5),并日趋完善?在神所你所设立的权柄之下,你是否是个受教的人?
