QT 07/08/2024 Wed. Galatians 1. Not adding to the pure gospel. 不要给纯正的福音“画蛇添足”。

QT 07/08/2024 Wed. Galatians 1. Not adding to the pure gospel. 不要给纯正的福音“画蛇添足”。

QT 07/08/2024 Wed. Galatians 1
READ http://www.esvbible.org/gal1

In Galatians, Paul was contending against the Galatian's reliance on their Jewish roots that confused and perverted the gospel. Apparently, after accepting the true gospel, the Galatians "quickly deserted him who called you" (Gal 1:6).

Paul's gospel was derived from God and not man (Gal 1:11-24). This gospel was about salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, and not by following the demands of physical circumcision. The "Judaizers", converts from Judaism to Christianity, wrongly believed that Gentile Christians had to take up Judaism to be right with God.

This perturbed Paul very much because they were tying the physical demands of Moses’ Law onto people and hindering the gospel's advance as a pre-requisite to coming to Christ. It was, in fact, "a different gospel" (Gal 1:7) which was really no gospel at all.

REFLECTION (1): Are you adding anything to the gospel to make it more "complete"? Be careful that you don't do that?

But Paul sees that this will lead to dangerous ends.

REFLECTION (2): If you already have the "complete gospel" by faith in Jesus Christ, are you joyful for that today? Or are you, somehow, still unable to be joyful and thankful everyday? Why?

星期三 2024年8月7日 今日读经:加拉太书1章. 不要给纯正的福音“画蛇添足”。

在加拉太书里,保罗反对加拉太人对犹太根源的依赖, 这种依赖混淆并扭曲了福音。显然的,加拉太人接受了福音后,“很快就离开了借着基督的恩呼召你们的那一位”(加1:6)。





反思(2): 如果你信了耶稣基督,你已经有了“完整的福音”,你是否为此而欢喜?又或者,至今你是否仍然无法每天感受喜乐和感恩?为什么?