QT 07/11/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 38. Keep Close To God. 与神紧密地同行。

QT 07/11/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 38. Keep Close To God. 与神紧密地同行。

QT 07/11/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 38. Keep Close To God.
READ https://www.esv.org/Eze+38/

MEDITATION: The LORD was able to restore dead people, both physically and in their relationship with Him (see Ezekiel 37). But restored Israel did not mean an Israel that was free from threat.

Enemies of God's people would still be present. Examples of these included the mysterious Gog (Ezek 38:2,3,14;39:1,11; Rev 20:8) and Magog (Ezek 38:2, Gen 10:2, Rev 20:8).

These enemies would even attack God's people (Ezek 38:10-16). But their ultimate destruction (Ezek 38:21ff, Ezek 39) displayed God's rule and sovereignty over all of creation, regardless of whether it related to human affairs, politics, animal kingdom or the physical world.

APPLICATION: Keep close and stand with God in spite of all troubles that might worry us.

星期四 2024年11月7日 今日读经:以西结书38章。与神紧密地同行

默想:耶和华能够复兴死人,无论是人的身体还是人与祂的关系(见以西结书 37 章)。但以色列被复兴并不代表不再受到威胁。


