QT 08/04/2024 Monday READ John 3. Blessed to have a teacher. 有老师真好.
QT 08/04/2024 Monday READ John 3
It was tuition time for the "teacher of Israel", Nicodemus, who was a ruler of the Jews (John 3:1,10). This involved advanced topics of course.
The tuition started off with the interpretation of the "signs" that Jesus had performed, changing of water into wine (John 2:1-11) and others (John 2:23). Seeing the "kingdom of God" (John 3:3), however, did not come with viewing these signs, but by being born again (John 3:3).
Obtaining "the right to become children of God" was not by "the will of the flesh nor of the will of man" (John 1:13), but by the Spirit (John 3:8). Merely having a Jewish descent (like Nicodemus) or having a high religious post (like a Pharisee, John 3:1) was insufficient.
As a professor of law, Nicodemus should have known of Ezek 36:26, Ezek 37 and Deut 30:6, Jer 31:33 regarding the resurrection foretold, the new heart and the new life. Jesus gave him the famous John 3:16 as a summary.
Not only would Jesus be "lifted up" in suffering God's wrath on the cross (John 3:14, 12:40-41), He would also be "lifted up" in glory (a double meaning by John connected to Isaiah 52:13).
APPLICATION: Believe in the Son, Jesus Christ, sent by God in order to be born again, obtaining eternal life in God and also avoiding His wrath (John 3:36). The plural "you" in John 3:7 pointed to this opportunity being given to all today, not only Nicodemus. Therefore accept Jesus now!
星期一 2024年4月8日 今日读经:约翰福音3章. 有老师真好.