QT 09/01/2025 Thu. Nehemiah 8. Understanding + Obey = Rejoice. 理解 + 服从 = 喜乐.

QT 09/01/2025 Thu. Nehemiah 8. Understanding + Obey = Rejoice. 理解 + 服从 = 喜乐.

QT 09/01/2025 Thu. Nehemiah 8. Understanding + Obey = Rejoice
READ http://www.esvbible.org/neh8

Student initiated activity (SIA) has its benefits—more momentum in the learning process.

Nehemiah 8:1–2 Ezra Reads the Law
[1] And all the people gathered as one man into the square before the Water Gate. And they told Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of the Law of Moses that the LORD had commanded Israel. [2] So Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly, both men and women and all who could understand what they heard, on the first day of the seventh month. (ESV)

It is NOT like the pastor begging the church members to come to Bible Study, and the church members, out of pity for the pastor, attends the Bible study in order to get rid of his nagging. No, for Nehemiah and his contemporaries, it is all the people who "gathered as one man" (8:1), united in the square, and asked for the "Book of the Law of Moses".

REFLECTION: What is the MOTIVATION and MOMENTUM to get yourself to attend to studies in the Word of God? Can you DECIDE to do so, or must you be PROMPTED or PERSUADED VIGOROUSLY?

Nehemiah's contemporaries had seen and experienced the power of the LORD in their rebuilding of the city, fending off external and internal threats in the process with the LORD's help. Recalling the LORD's past deeds can add to the motivation and momentum to study the LORD's Words. On the other hand, we observe in Nehemiah 8 that the decision to understand God's Word motivated them to do it (celebrating the Feast of Booths (8:13–18). This seems to be a cyclical process that feeds on one and another.

Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (ESV)

Secondly, understanding God's will and Word would frequently mirror to us our deficiencies, remind us of the LORD's mercy and thereby possibly receiving His offers of forgiveness on His terms. This would lead to great rejoicing and celebration in our spiritual life, especially when we meet and share various rejoicing items since we last met.

Nehemiah 8:17 And all the assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in the booths, for from the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day the people of Israel had not done so. And there was very great rejoicing. (ESV)

Thirdly, neglecting obedience over long periods of time only bring disconnection with God and His people. In fact, you would also get disconnected from yourself—"Who am I? What am I doing here? What am I supposed to do? Life is no meaning!" The period from Jeshua son of Nun to Nehemiah's time is at least 500+ years, such a long period of neglect. The Feast of Booths (Leviticus 23:34, Deuteronomy 16:13) was to commemorate their exodus from Egypt and the LORD's guidance and protection of His people in their wanderings.

Nehemiah 8:8 They read from the book, from the Law of God, clearly, and they gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading. (ESV)

REFLECTION: Do you value festivals and activities today that was designed and commanded for your Understanding, Obedience and Rejoicing with God? Have we long neglected joyful Worship Services, Holy Communion, Bible learning, CGs that digest God's Word and personal obedience?

Many mental issues plague many modern persons today. We pray that getting back the joy of God might remedy many of these ailments, "for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (8:10b) that would bring you through.

QT 09/01/2025 星期四. 尼希米 8. 理解 + 服从 = 喜乐


尼希米记 8:1-2 以斯拉读律法

这不像是牧师恳求会友来参加圣经班,而教会会友出于对牧师的同情,参加圣经学习班以摆脱他的唠叨。不,对尼希米和他同时代的人来说,是所有的人 “如同一人”(8:1),在广场上联合起来,要求得到 “摩西律法书”。


尼希米同时代的人在重建城市的过程中看到并经历了耶和华的大能,他们在耶和华的帮助下抵御了外部和内部的威胁。回顾耶和华过去的作为可以增加学习耶和华话语的动机和动力。另一方面,我们在《尼希米记》第 8 章中看到,理解神的话语的决定促使他们去做这件事——庆祝住棚节(8:13-18)。这似乎是一个循环往复的过程,它从神的话语中汲取养分。

尼希米记 8:10 又对他们说,你们去吃肥美的,喝甘甜的,有不能预备的,就分给他。因为今日是我们主的圣日。你们不要忧愁,因靠耶和华而得的喜乐是你们的力量。


尼希米记 8:17 从掳到之地归回的全会众就搭棚,住在棚里。从嫩的儿子约书亚的时候直到这日,以色列人没有这样行。于是众人大大喜乐。

第三,长期忽视顺服只会导致与神和祂的子民脱节。事实上,你也会与自己脱节--"我是谁?我在这里做什么?我应该做什么?人生有何意义?" 从嫩的儿子约书亚到尼希米时代,至少有 500 多年的时间,这是一段忽视节日的漫长岁月。住棚节(《利未记》23:34,《申命记》16:13)是为了纪念他们出埃及,以及耶和华在他们流浪的过程中引导和保护他的子民。

《尼希米记》8:8 他们清清楚楚地念神的律法书,讲明意思,使百姓明白所念的。

