QT 10/01/2024 Wednesday Matthew 9

QT 10/01/2024 Wednesday Matthew 9

QT 10/01/2024 Wednesday Matthew 9

Firstly, the One who has the credentials has been revealed by Matt 1-4:

Matt 1 displays Jesus' ancestry credentials.

Matt 2: Nature, Prophetic and Ministry credentials.

Matt 3: Divine endorsements credentials.

Matt 4: Practical victory credentials.

Secondly, the One who has these credentials now EXERCISED His authority:

Matt 4:17: Jesus EXERCISED His authority by PREACHING "the kingdom".

Matt 4:18: Jesus EXERCISED His authority by CALLING disciples.

Matt 4:23: Jesus EXERCISED His authority over diseases & demons.

Matt 5-7: Jesus EXERCISED His authority by RE-INTERPRETING the practice of the Torah (law).

Matt 8: Jesus EXERCISED His authority over the unclean, pagan, sickness, wind & waves.

In Matt 9, Jesus continued to EXERCISE His authority:-

Matt 9:1-8: Jesus EXERCISED His authority to FORGIVE SINS, and proved it by doing the "harder" thing.

Matt 9:9-13: Jesus EXERCISED His authority to REACH OUT to even the "UNCLEAN". He reached out to the "TAX COLLECTORS" (Matt 9:10), "SINNERS" (Matt 9:10). He even CALLED one of these tax collectors to be His disciple - Matthew, the writer of the gospel book.

Matt 9:14-17: Jesus EXERCISED His authority to SUSPEND or DIFFERENTIATE religious rituals practiced by the Pharisees of those time. Jesus' presence called for "celebration" rather than "mourning" associated with the Pharisee's fasting.

In fact, Jesus labelled the Pharisee's religious rituals as "old garment" and "old wineskins" which cannot hold the "new wine" and "new wineskin" (Matt 9:16-17) of the renewals brought about by Jesus' ministry.

Matt 9:18: Jesus EXERCISED His authority over the OLD religious order. In this case, a synagogue ruler (Jairus, Mark 5:22) also came to Jesus for help regarding his own daughter.

Matt 9:25: Jesus EXERCISED His authority of DEATH, by raising the ruler's daughter.

Matt 9:20: Jesus EXERCISED His authority over the MEDICAL CONDITION of a woman.

Matt 9:27: Jesus' EXERCISE of His authority was so obvious that even the BLIND MEN can "SEE" that Jesus is "... Son of David" (9:27). In fact, the blind men ended up physically seeing.

Matt 9:32: Jesus EXERCISED His authority over DEMONS and SPEECH.

REFLECTION: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." Would you obey the One who has such immense authority by being sent out as "laborers into his harvest"? (Matt 9:38).

APPLICATION: Submit to the authority of Jesus. Have a blessed and fruitful day, as you enter the Lord's harvest field, to harvest the Lord's harvest, that all may come under His immense blessings and abundant life which He has authority to give.

星期三 2024年1月10日 今日读经:马太福音9章


太1章: 列出了耶稣祖先的印证。

太2章: 自然、预言和职事的印证。

太3章: 受到神圣的确认的印证。

太4章: 得到胜利的印证。


太4:17: 耶稣传讲“国度”的事,执行祂的权柄。

太4:18: 耶稣呼叫门徒,执行祂的权柄。

太4:23: 耶稣治病、赶鬼,执行祂的权柄。




太9:1-8: 耶稣宽恕罪、并以做成“更困难”的事为证明,执行了祂的权柄。

太9:9-13: 耶稣甚至向“不洁净的人”伸出手,执行了祂的权柄。祂向“税吏”伸出手(太9:10)、向“罪人”伸出手(太9:10)。祂甚至叫其中一个税吏做祂的门徒--这人就是马太,福音书的作者。

太9:14-17 : 耶稣暂停或区分当时法利赛人所进行的宗教仪式,执行了祂的权柄。耶稣的同在是值得“欢庆”的,而不是与法利赛人在禁食时的“哀痛”。


太9:18: 耶稣把旧的宗教体制颠覆了,执行了祂的权柄。在这里,一个会堂的主管(名叫叶鲁,马可福音5:22)也来见耶稣,求他救自己的女儿。

太9:25: 耶稣使那主管的女儿复活,执行祂对死亡的权柄。


太9:27: 耶稣在执行祂的权柄时是多么的显而易见,就连瞎子也能“看见”耶稣就是“...大卫的子孙”(9:27)。事实上,那些瞎子最后都恢复了视力,能看见了。

太9:32: 耶稣在魔鬼和言论上都执行祂的权柄。

反思:“庄稼多,工人少。” 你会否听从有这么大权柄的那位,出去“收割主的庄稼”?(太9:38)
