QT 10/09/2024 Tue. Ephesians 6. Slaves & Masters. Children & Parents. 奴隶与主人 ,孩子与父母。

QT 10/09/2024 Tue. Ephesians 6. Slaves & Masters. Children & Parents. 奴隶与主人 ,孩子与父母。

QT 10/09/2024 Tue. Ephesians 6. Slaves & Masters. Children & Parents.

If you are climbing a mountain for the first time, you might want to consult those who have climbed it at least one time more than you, or even 20 times more than you. Therefore, Paul gave the very logical advice to children, "Obey your parents in the LORD" (Eph 6:1).

There was total disarray in ancient Israel when the situation was not "live long in the land" (Eph 6:2) but losing the promised land. Shalom (peace) is a joint effort between parents and children. Therefore, parents should not "provoke" (Eph 6:4) by being arbitrary or domineering.

The paragraph on bond servants and masters (Eph 6:5-9) helps us to turn our eyes on the LORD in whatever capacity we live our lives. This is because there is an ultimate Master in heaven who would judge impartially.

Lastly, God has given believers today many tools, "the whole armour of God" (Eph 6:13). Note the importance of "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Eph 6:17), a useful offensive weapon against "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly place" (Eph 6:12). Learn and proclaim God's word boldly (Eph 6:19-20).

星期二 2024年9月10日 今日读经:以弗所书6章。奴隶与主人 ,孩子与父母。

如果你是第一次爬山,你可能想咨询那些比你爬过这座山至少一次,甚至二十次的人。所以,保罗给予孩子们富有逻辑性的劝导,“要在主里听从父母” ( 弗6:1 )。

古代以色列陷入了混乱,当情况不再是“在世长寿” (弗6:2 ) 而是失去应许之地。沙龙(平安)是父母和孩子之间的努力。所以,父母不应该过于独断或专制以“激怒”儿女(弗6:4)。

关于仆人和主人的段落 ( 弗6:5-9 ) 帮助我们无论生活如何都会定睛在主身上。这是因为我们在天上终极的主人将秉公做出审判。

最后,神给予了信徒许多的工具,“神所赐的全副军装”( 弗6:13 )。注意那重要的“圣灵的宝剑,就是 神的道” (弗6:17),在对抗“这黑暗世界的和天上的邪灵”是很有用的攻击兵器(弗6:12)。学习并放胆地宣讲神的福音 (弗6:19-20)。