QT 11/06/2024 Tue Romans 2. Unity: in receipt of the deserved judgment. 合一:都一起得到应得的审判。
QT 11/06/2024 Tue Romans 2. Unity: in receipt of the deserved judgment.
Not only are Jews and Gentiles under the wrath of God (Roman 1), both groups will be fairly judged by God. God's judgment is against "those who practice such things" (Rom 2:2), be they Jews or Gentiles.
REFLECTION: When I point one finger at others, another three fingers point back to me. This is because the one who passed judgement and the one who is judged "practice the very same things" (Rom 2:1).
The dividing line was not the Jews versus Gentiles, ethnic or nationalistic lines. It was between :-
(1) Those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality (Rom 2:7); and
(2) Those who are self-seeking, reject the truth and follow evil (Rom 2:8).
WARNING for the Jews: those who OBEY the law will be declared righteous, i.e., "not those who HEAR" only without doing (Rom 2:13). Therefore, watch out for the long heritage that you have right from Abraham (Rom 4:1). Don't look down on Gentiles, because Gentiles who obeys the law will be "REGARDED as though they were circumcised" (Rom 2:26).
WARNING for the Gentiles: Not having the law (as the Jews did) was NO EXCUSE for the Gentiles. The Gentiles have "the law WRITTEN on their HEARTS" (Rom 2:15). The conscience of the Gentiles can even "accuse" or "defend" them (Rom 2:15). The Gentiles would STILL be aware they need to "do by nature things required by the law" (Rom 2:14).
Therefore, "ACCEPT ONE ANOTHER, then, JUST AS Christ ACCEPTED YOU, in order to bring praise to God" (Romans 15:7). "For God does not show favoritism" (Rom 2:11).
APPLICATION: Just as the Gentile-Jew divide should not exist for those who are in Christ, do not let lesser differences prevent you from enjoying and participating in the wonderful community life of the church God has placed you in.
星期二 2024年6月11日 今日读经:罗马书2章. 合一:都一起得到应得的审判。
(1) 那以永生报答那些耐心行善、寻求荣耀尊贵和不朽的人(罗2:7);和
(2) 那些自私自利、不顺从真理而顺从不义的人(罗2:8)。
所以,“你们应当彼此接纳,就像基督接纳了你们一样,使荣耀归于 神”(罗15:7)。“因为 神并不偏待人”(罗2:11)。