QT 11/12/2024 Wed. 2Peter 1. Humbly continually learning. 虚心地不断学习。
QT 11/12/2024 Wed. 2Peter 1. Humbly continually learning.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2pe1
We have the necessary ingredients for "life and godliness" (2Pe 1:3). These were given so that we can grow to be "partakers of the divine nature" (2Pe 1:4). These important truths do not change over time.
But growth requires believers to "make every effort" (2Pe 1:5). Peter also needed to "remind" them (2Pe 1:12) continually and "make every effort" too, to help them "recall these things" (2Pe 1:15).
REFLECTION: The human tendency of believers (if one is not careful) is to allow false teachers to mess up their doctrine and church life, ultimately resulting in disconnection and disgruntled hearts, do you agree?
REFLECTION: When you’re at the receiving end of Christian teaching about things you think you already know, what is your typical response (e.g. bored, impatient, proud)?
APPLICATION: Humbly admit that we are susceptible to departing from the truth and not practising it. Give thanks for reminders from others, even though it bruises our ego at times. Re-examine our life's direction.
In addition, Peter defended his writing and testimony. (1) His teaching came from the eyewitnesses accounts of himself and other apostles regarding the “power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2Pe 1:16)
(2) His teaching was consistent with Old Testament prophets who spoke of Jesus. Their prophecy came from God, not man (2Pe 1:19-21). Hold fast to these teachings and not be swayed by false teachers (ch 2).
REFLECTION: Are you confident in the things you believe about the Lord Jesus Christ? What is the source of your confidence?
星期三 2024年12月11日 今日读经:彼得后书1章. 虚心地不断学习。
我们有着一切有关“生命和敬虔”的事(彼后1:3)。这些都赐给了我们,好叫我们可以“分享 神的本性”(彼后1:4)。这些重要的真理是不会改变的。
(2) 他的教导与旧约先知所提到的耶稣是一致的。他们的预言来自神,不来自人(彼后1:19-21)。紧紧抓住这些教导,不要被假教师影响而摇摆(第2章)。