QT 12/03/2024 Tuesday. Read Luke 15. The prodigal son that is at home. 在家里的浪子。

QT 12/03/2024 Tuesday. Read Luke 15. The prodigal son that is at home. 在家里的浪子。

QT 12/03/2024 Tuesday Read Luke 15. The prodigal son that is at home.

Does your heart rejoice over what the LORD rejoices? The Pharisees and the scribes did not.

The THREE parables of the 100 Sheep (Luke 15:3-7), the ten Lost Coins (Luke 15:8-10) and the two Lost Sons (Luke 15:11-32) were told by Jesus TO ANSWER the accusation against Jesus, "This man receives sinners and eats with them" (Luke 15:2)

What should be the proper response of the Pharisees and the scribes when , "the tax collectors and sinners were all DRAWING NEAR TO HEAR HIM" (Luke 15:1)?

The proper responses should have been similar to "REJOICE with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost" (Luke 15:6). It should have been "REJOICE with me" over the coin that was found (Luke 15:9). It should have been "Let us eat and CELEBRATE" (Luke 15:23).


The prodigal son IS NOT the one who realises his alienation from his father's house and turns his heart towards the father who raised him.

The prodigal son IS NOT the one who sees his own inadequacies, and out of humility, asks for the appropriate position, that of a hired servant, commensurate with his misdeeds.

The prodigal son IS NOT the one who merely leaves the father's house physically.

The prodigal son IS NOT the one who has reconciled with his father before the parable ends.


The prodigal son IS the son who lives under the same roof with the father, YET sees himself as a SERVANT and analyses situations from a purely servant-master relationship. Look at how he talked without addressing his father, "Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with my friends" (Luke 15:29).

The prodigal son IS the son who looks forward to celebration with "his friends" when he should now be celebrating with his father.

The prodigal son IS the son whose heart is far away from the father, even though he is in the house at these while. The prodigal son is the son who self-righteously remain outside the house when he should be in.

The prodigal son IS the son who laments over lost of money (Luke 15:30) and the fattened calf (Luke 15:27) when he should have cherished the return of his brother instead. He sees nothing in the father's assurance, “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours” (Luke 15:31).

The father calls the younger son "son" (v.24) and the older son too (v.31). Even the servants uses relational terms, "your brother has come" (v.27) and "your father" (v.27). The younger son addresses the father as "father" five times (vv. 12, 17, 18 x2 & 21) and addresses himself as "son" (vv. 19, 21).

However, the prodigal son is the son who NEVER addressed the father as father in the whole parable, but starts a conversation with his father rudely, "Look, these many years I have served you...".

  1. The prodigal son IS the son who rejoices when the father mourns, who mourns when the father rejoices.

REFLECTION : Are you a prodigal son or daughter? Are you coming into the house of your Father, your creator and provider and rejoicing with him? Or would you rather remain outside and whine?

星期二 2024年3月12日 今日读经:路加福音15章. 在家里的浪子。



对于法利赛人和经学家,当“众税吏和罪人,都接近耶稣,要听他讲道” (路15:1)时,他们应当有什么样的回应?












那父亲称小儿子为“儿子”(24节),也称大儿子为儿子(31节)。就连那些仆人也用了相关的名称,“你弟弟回来了”(27节)和“你父亲”(27节)。那小儿子五次称呼父亲为“父亲”(12、17、18X2 和21节)并称自己为“儿子”(19,21节)。


  1. 那浪子是那个当父亲哀伤时欢喜,当父亲欢喜时哀伤的儿子。
