QT 12/12/2024 Thu. 2Peter 2. Detecting & Avoiding false teachers. 识别和避免假教师。
QT 12/12/2024 Thu. 2Peter 2. Detecting & Avoiding false teachers.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2pe2
False prophets existed during the time of the Old Testament prophets. False teachers existed during the time of the early church (2:1) and ours too.
Peter helped his readers to sift out these marks of false teachers:
(a) They introduce destructive heresies (2:1)
(b) They exploit their followers (2:3)
(c) They are greedy (2:3, 14)
(d) They despise authority (2:10)
(e) They are arrogant (2:10)
(f) They are ignorant of matters they speak about (2:12)
(g) They are full of lust (2:13-14)
(h) They are unable to give their followers spiritual satisfaction (2:17)
(i) They speak empty, boastful words (2:18)
(j) Mastered by depravity (2:19)
(k) Return to the corrupted life that is their nature (2:22)
The end for these false teachers is condemnation and destruction by God, who has already judged angels, ancient people, and cities that sinned.
The end for their followers is exploitation, being fed with man-made stories, shaming the way of the truth, and disappointment over empty promises.
REFLECTION: How much care do you exercise in choosing whose teachings you will listen to and fill your mind with?
APPLICATION: Exercise caution and wisdom before following modern day teachers, especially those whose life you do not really know, and who also do not know you at all.
星期四 2024年12月12日 今日读经:彼得后书2章. 识别和避免假教师。
(a) 把使人灭亡的异端引进来(2:1)。
(b) 在信徒身上图利(2:3)
(c) 贪心 (2:3, 14)
(d) 轻蔑当权的 (2:10)
(e) 胆大任性 (2:10)
(f) 毁谤自己所不知道的事 (2:12)
(g) 满眼淫色 (2:13-14)
(h) 无法给跟随者属灵上的满足 (2:17)
(i) 说虚妄夸大的话 (2:18)
(j) 作了败坏的奴仆 (2:19)
(k) 回到污秽的生活,回到自己的本性 (2:22)