QT 13/03/2024 Wednesday Luke 16. A good tool might become a bad master. 好工具可能会变成坏主人。

QT 13/03/2024 Wednesday Luke 16. A good tool might become a bad master. 好工具可能会变成坏主人。

QT 13/03/2024 Wednesday Luke 16. A good tool might become a bad master.

The people of the world are MORE shrewd than the people of light (Luke 16:8). In fact, they plan AHEAD and make the best use of their influence before it is gone.

APPLICATION (1): People of light ought to make use of opportunities that come their way, but in a manner that encompasses integrity.

The Parable of the Shrewd Manager CANNOT be read to mean that Jesus praises the manager's dishonesty with money. In fact, Jesus concluded clearly that "You cannot serve both God and Money" (Luke 16:13).

The parable strikes at the Pharisees "who were lovers of money" and that's why they "ridiculed him" (Luke 16:14).

The Law (of Moses) and the Prophets were sufficient to condemn the Pharisees and those who rejected God's message. Would a miracle (e.g. a resurrection from the dead or a messenger from the dead speaking) help?

From Jesus' reply, it doesn't seem so. "If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead" (Luke 16:31).

In the end, it's not about having first-hand or second-hand information about the kingdom of God. It's about the freedom to choose and knowing beforehand the DIFFERENT consequences of those choices, because "a great chasm has been fixed" (Luke 16:26) between them.

APPLICATION: Believe God's Word and serve Him wholeheartedly. Let money, riches and other resources be servants and tools for the true Master.

星期三 2024年3月13日 今日读经:路加福音16章. 好工具可能会变成坏主人。



不义的管家不可被解读为耶稣赞扬管家在钱财上的不诚实。事实上,耶稣清楚地总结,“你们不能服事 神,又服事金钱”(路16:13)。




