QT 13/08/2024 Tue. Ezekiel 8. Do not drive God out! 不要把上帝赶走!
QT 13/08/2024 Tue. Ezekiel 8. Do not drive God out!
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze8
MEDITATION: The LORD showed to Ezekiel why He had to leave His own temple. The "hand of the LORD God fell upon" Ezekiel (Ezek 8:1) and he looked and saw various things (Ezek 8:2).
These things which were shown to Ezekiel amply explained why the LORD was punishing His own people. It was His people's "great abominations" (Ezek 8:6,9,13,15,17) that was a big snub in the LORD's face.
REFLECTION: Are you able to grasp the irony in the LORD's outburst, "Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations that the house of Israel are committing here, to drive me far from my sanctuary?..." (Ezek 8:6)
APPLICATION: Do not merely look at the book of Ezekiel (or Ezek 8:6 in particular) in a logical cause-and-effect way. CATCH the LORD's agony. Who would ever want to leave and abandon their own sanctuaries?
The God of Israel, nevertheless, did leave His own temple (Ezek 10-11), "forced" in a way by the sins of His own people! Do not let that happen again today!
星期二 2024年8月13日 今日读经:以西结书8章. 不要把上帝赶走!
应用:不要光以逻辑的因果关系来看以西结这本书 (特别是结8:6)。感受神的悲痛。谁会离开并放弃自己的圣所呢?
以色列的神,无论如何,确实离开了祂自己的圣殿(结10-11),被祂自己的子民的罪孽“逼”走的 !今天别让这样的事再次发生!