QT 14/11/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 42. Return to Renewed Worship. 返回 “更新的崇拜”。
QT 14/11/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 42. Return to Renewed Worship.
READ https://www.esv.org/Eze+42/
MEDITATION: The LORD was coming back to reside with His people again! It would have been ideal to say it ONCE and the people obeyed. But the LORD patiently proclaimed His desire to be with His people multiple times.
The LORD was coming back. The bible text envisioned the new temple (Ezek 40-43:11), the new law for His people (Ezek 43:12-46:24) and the new enclosure of residence with the newly reconstituted remnant of His people (Ezek 47-48).
We see the orderliness and symmetry of the temple complex described. Indeed, the building and the people within it must live in harmony with the LORD and with each other. What it appears to others must sync with what it really is. He knows what is going on within His temple.
APPLICATION: Do not go back to the days when "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (Judges 21:25). Sort out the basic things of holiness and orderliness in our approach to the holy LORD. Avoid painful remedial lessons which He might assign anytime for those who need them.
You might be impressed with the grandeur of the temple descriptions, if these were in fact of your own house. But the temple shown to Ezekiel exceeded all former temples (or tabernacles) in size and beauty. Representative of the LORD's holiness was the perfect symmetry of the temple dimensions.
The circles of holiness in graded form—from the common, the holy and the most holy remained. These point to the reverence to God that was required and the duties of worshippers not to take God for granted but to do their utmost best to conform to the very best in the process of sanctification.
The function of the temple was clearly to resume worship in the new era of the restored people of God. Is it now a reality for you all, after so long after Ezekiel 42?
星期四 2024年11月14日. 以西结书42章。 返回 “更新的崇拜”。
圣殿的功能显然是为了让上帝的子民在新时代恢复敬拜。在《以西结书》第 42 章之后这么长的时间里,对你们来说,“敬拜的恢复”是否已经实现?