QT 15/08/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 10. God waited for His people to turn back. 上帝等待着他的子民回头。
QT 15/08/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 10. God waited for His people to turn back.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze10
MEDITATION: The glory of the LORD had started to leave the Holy Place of the temple, crossed the threshold of the door, and had now moved to the eastern gate of the temple compound (Ezek 10:19).
If you leave by the eastern gate, you go OUT of the temple compound as well as the city of Jerusalem. You then roll down into the Kidron Valley, with Mount Olive in front of you on the opposite side of the slope.
The gold cherubim on the ark could NOT move. But the cherubim in Ezekiel's vision COULD move, along with the glory of the LORD. The accessories of worship could not move but the LORD could. Note the difference.
Reflection: Perhaps, the LORD "looked back" and "waited" for His people to repent when He was at the temple threshold. At anytime they repented, He would U-turn back to the Holy Place and Holy of Holies. But they did not. Perhaps the LORD also "paused" at the eastern gate to wait for repentance. But it did not come.
Application: The LORD was RELUCTANT to leave the people He had chosen out of so many nations, whom He had called as His own and to be their God. Know that He loved His worshippers very much. Make that urgent U-turn today if you have not done so.
星期四 2024年8月15日 今日读经:以西结书10章.
如果你从东门离去,你就会走出圣殿的城域和耶路撒冷城。你将滚下汲沦谷 ,在你面前的将是斜坡对面的橄榄山。
反思: 或许,耶和华在殿的门槛“回头看”并“等候”他的子民悔改。无论任何时候只要他们肯悔改,他就会回转向圣洁之地和至圣所去。但是他们没有悔改。或许耶和华也在东门“停下”等待他们悔改。但他们还是没有悔改 。