QT 15/10/2024 Tue. 1Timothy 3. Checklist for the overseers. 成为合格的监督者的清单.
QT 15/10/2024 Tue. 1Timothy 3. Checklist for the overseers.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/1tim3
If a local church flourishes, she would have likely adhered to Paul's mandatory requirements for the "overseer" (1Tim 3:1,2). Paul seems to have used the terms "overseer", "elder" and "pastor" interchangeably. The check list includes (1Tim 3:2-4):
(1) Being above reproach;
(2) The husband of one wife (probably interpreted to mean "faithful to his one wife");
(3) The Positives: Sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive. He is well thought of by outsiders.
(4) The Non-negatives: Not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. Not a recent convert.
Only an overseer (but not a deacon) requires the ability to teach (1Tim 3:2).
REFLECTION: Are we raising up people of such character and quality as described by Paul for both the overseer (1Tim 3:1-7) and the deacon (1Tim 3:8-13)? Who are you helping and encouraging to succeed in this area?
Christian leaders who possessed these outward traits evidenced the inner self control and the hard-to-see commitment to Christ. Such traits were essential in combating rampant false teachings at Ephesus. Not be “a lover of money” pointed to the handling of finance of the congregation.
REFLECTION: At home or outside home, are we lovers of money? Are we stingy? Are we always on the look out to grasp more stuffs? Are the souls of men or the path to riches constantly on our minds?
Indeed, greed was a trait of the false teachers at Ephesus (1 Tim 6:5–10) which would also debilitate a Christian leader.
星期二 2024年10月15日 今日读经:提摩太前书3章. 成为合格的监督者的清单.
(1) 无可指摘;
(2) 只做一个妻子的丈夫 (可能被解释为 "忠于一位妻子”);
(3) 正面来说:他必须是清醒、自律、庄重、乐意接待客旅、善于教导的。他必须能够好好管理自己的家,使儿女凡事敬重顺服。外面的人对他的看法都是正面的。
(4) 反面来说:他不好酒,不打人,只要温和,与人无争,不贪财。他也不是一个初信者。
事实上,贪婪是以弗所假教师的一个特征(提摩太前书 6:5-10),它也会使基督徒领袖变得软弱无能。