QT 17/04/2024 Wednesday John 10. Follow The True Shepherd 跟随真牧人
QT 17/04/2024 Wednesday John 10
Jesus revealed Himself as "I am the door of the sheep" (John 10:7,9) and "I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11,14). With those four "I am" descriptions, He continued to equate Himself with the God of Exodus 3:14, "I AM WHO I AM".
The Jews challenged Jesus' identity in the temple (John 10:24). Jesus obliged with the clear claim of His deity with the reply "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30), literally "I and the Father one AM" (where "AM" is in the PLURAL, meaning "we are").
APPLICATION (1): Trust in Jesus, because He is the only way (the door) to the Father and the Shepherd who protects (John 10:28-29), guards and ultimately sacrifices for the good of His sheep.
You have been brought to Christ by shepherds of the LORD. Do not let your spiritual growth be hijacked by thieves and robbers that pop up along the way (John 10:1,8), or by hired hands (John 10:12-13) who only cared about their own wages and personal safety.
APPLICATION (2): May we follow the true good shepherd closely in order to avoid being eaten up by "the wolf" who attacks the flock and scatters it (John 10:12).
APPLICATION (3): In the midst of life's troubles, be comforted that you are safe in Jesus' hands. Just make sure that it is Jesus' hands that you are in and not the hired-hand's hands nor the wolf's paws.
REFLECTION: It is very easy to identify a true shepherd. The true shepherd is the one who lays down his life for the sheep voluntarily (John 10:17-18). Are you following the true shepherd today?
星期三2024年4月17日 今日读经:约翰福音10章