QT 17/10/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 35. Animosity & its consequences. 敌意及其后果。

QT 17/10/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 35. Animosity & its consequences. 敌意及其后果。

QT 17/10/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 35

MEDITATION: The refusal to recognise the lordship of the LORD had negative consequences. Being opportunistic when others faced problems was less than honourable.

No doubt, ancient Israel and Judah experienced punishment because of their sins. In addition, Mount Seir (Edom, Ezek 35:15), a region of mountains southeast of the Dead Sea, did not help. Instead they "gave over the people of Israel to the power of the sword at the time of their calamity" (Ezek 35:5) and "rejoiced" at their desolation (Ezek 35:15).

Genesis 32:3 & 36:8 reminded us of their brotherhood, "And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother in the land of Seir, the country of Edom". Furthermore, Mount Seir took what belonged to the LORD (Ezek 35:10) and He punished them for it (Ezek 35:11-15).

Finally, they "cherished perpetual enmity and gave over the people of Israel" (Ezek 35:5).

APPLICATION: Let not our hearts nor minds delight in continual animosity, especially against a brother or sister who shares our spiritual heritage. Since this section of Ezek 35-36 was an exception outside Ezek 25-32 (regarding foreign nations), it seemed to have emphasised this message.

星期四 2024年10月17日 今日读经:以西结书35章. 敌意及其后果.


毫无疑问的,古代以色列和犹大都因为自己的罪经历了刑罚。另外,西珥山(以东, 结35:15),死海东南的山区,并没有给他们任何帮助。相反的,他们“在以色列人遭遇灾难,刑罚到了顶点的时候,你把他们交在刀剑之下”(结35:5)并且因他们的荒凉而“欢乐”(结35:15)。


