QT 18/06/2024 Tuesday Romans 8. Unity: united in the Spirit, more than body marks, calendar or diet. 合一: 在灵里合一,重要过身体的标记、日历或饮食。

QT 18/06/2024 Tuesday Romans 8. Unity: united in the Spirit, more than body marks, calendar or diet. 合一: 在灵里合一,重要过身体的标记、日历或饮食。

QT 18/06/2024 Tuesday Romans 8. Unity: united in the Spirit, more than body marks, calendar or diet.

If there is really now "no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom 8:1), why then do we condemn one another regarding things that do not really matter?

If "those who are in the flesh cannot please God" (Rom 8:8), why then did some believers in Rome insist on circumcision of the flesh as a way to please God (See also Romans 2)?

Paul continued to give reasons for the UNITED spiritual heritage of the Jewish and the Gentile believers of Jesus Christ. Both are "not in the flesh but in the Spirit" (Rom 8:9). If this was so, there should be a reconciliation prompted by the Spirit. Actions which resemble cutting up one another using the most unkindest cut of all should not have existed.

The famous verse of Rom 8:38-39 can be used in this way: If nothing "will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord," Jews and Gentile believers should not be separated but should welcome one another.

Heretics should be dealt with firmly so that the purity of doctrine and life of the church could be protected. But much of the time, we are challenged with welcoming others whom God have placed in the local church.

With the help of God's Spirit, we would succeed if we adopt the Spirit's prioritisation of what are important and what are not.

星期二 2024年6月18日 今日读经:罗马书8章. 合一: 在灵里合一,重要过身体的标记、日历或饮食。


如果“属肉体的人不能得 神的喜悦”(罗8:8),那么为什么罗马的一些信徒坚持肉身上的割礼以讨神的欢喜(也见罗马书2章)?



