QT 19/04/2024 Friday Daniel 7. Even the powerful beasts are created. 连野兽都是被创造的

QT 19/04/2024 Friday Daniel 7. Even the powerful beasts are created. 连野兽都是被创造的

QT 19/04/2024 Friday Daniel 7. Even the powerful beasts are created.

MEDITATION: Daniel 7 starts the second half of the book relating to visions. The four beasts have been interpreted to refer to various political empires from Daniel's time to the time of Jesus.

The beasts had power to wreak havoc and exert their influence in the political and military arena of world politics. But the passage reveals the higher power behind them all:

The first beast had the mind of a man "GIVEN TO IT" (Dan 7:4).

The leopard beast's "dominion was GIVEN TO IT" (Dan 7:6), by another person, of course!

The beast in Dan 7:11 was "GIVEN OVER to be burned with fire" (Dan 7:11).

"As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion WAS TAKEN AWAY" (Dan 7:12). Even their lives were "prolonged for a season and a time".

In spite of the powers of the beasts and horns, it was the "Ancient of Days" (Dan 7:9,13,22) and the "son of man" (Dan 7:13) who would finally triumph, "that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him" (Dan 7:14).

APPLICATION: Jesus refers to himself as "the Son of Man" in Mark 14:61-62. Stand on His side, therefore, and serve Him today.

星期五2024年4月19日 今日读经:但以理书7章。连野兽都是被创造的。








应用: 在马可福音14:61-62,耶稣指自己就是“人子”。所以,今天就站在祂那一边,并事奉祂。