QT 19/07/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 5. Picture the severity. 想象一下其严重性。
QT 19/07/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 5. Picture the severity.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze5
MEDITATION: The LORD's message was enacted by Ezekiel on the streets. The cutting of Ezekiel's hair and discarding it in three parts (Ezek 5:2-4) mirrored what would happen to Jerusalem as they faced death, the sword and scattering "to all the winds" (Ezek 5:12).
The LORD had prepared a choice land to set His people "in the centre of the nations" (Ezek 5:5) so as to be strategically placed to testify for the LORD.
However, His people squandered away this opportunity and, instead, did "wickedness more than the nations, and against my statutes MORE THAN the countries all around her"! (Ezek 5:6).
REFLECTION: "Therefore fathers shall eat their sons in your midst, and sons shall eat their fathers" (Ezek 5:10), a dreadful phenomenon common in a siege. Are we able to picture the severity of breaking the law of the LORD and His covenant?
星期五 2024年7月19日 今日读经:以西结书5章. 想象一下其严重性。
耶和华已预备了美地把祂的子民安置在“列国中间”(结5:5) 好让他们能够处在关键的位置为耶和华作见证。