QT 20/03/2024 Wednesday Read Luke 21. Striving to reach the oceans. 努力到达海洋。

QT 20/03/2024 Wednesday Read Luke 21
"But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name's sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witness (Luke 21:12-13).
Being persecuted and held captive "for my name's sake", i.e. Jesus' name, will result in more witnessing opportunities for Jesus.
This strange combination of troubles and progress for Jesus' disciples is sneered upon by many, especially in this individualistic and "my preference" generation, even among Christians.
But the Luke-Acts narrative displays this type of combination all the way:
In Luke - Jesus was nailed to the cross cruelly, but this accomplished the great salvation plan of God. This exhibited God's righteousness and love.
In Acts - Paul was dragged before kings and governors, one after another. In the process, Paul had the opportunity to witness before all of them.
Be it Herod Agrippa I (Acts 12:1), Herod Agrippa II, Herod Antipas (Luke 23:6-12), Pontius Pilate (Luke 23:13), Felix (Acts 24:1-25) or Festus (Acts 24:24-32), witnessing opportunities were opened up because these people "lay hands on you and persecute you" (Luke 21:12) or did things in the same vein.
Luke-Acts ended with this strange combination too: while Paul was still under custody waiting for his appeal to Emperor Caesar, he was "proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance (Acts 28:31).
REFLECTION (1): My mindset: Am I co-working with God in the mode by which He opens up opportunities for me to witness to others (especially those that involve some problems and sufferings)?
REFLECTION (2): Am I able to see and tap on opportunities that God had already engineered for His gospel to power through "to the oceans of the world"?
星期三 2024年3月20日 今日读经:路加福音21章. 努力到达海洋。
路加-使徒行传也以这奇妙的组合结束:当保罗还在监管中等待向凯撒帝上诉时,他在“放胆地传讲 神的国,教导有关主耶稣基督的事,没有受到什么禁止。”(徒28:31)