QT 20/08/2024 Tue. Ezekiel 12. Baggages & hints. 行李和提示.
QT 20/08/2024 Tue. Ezekiel 12
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze12
MEDITATION: Ezekiel was deported to Babylon together with an earlier batch of exile. Nevertheless, he was asked to continue his prophetic symbolic acts to proclaim the LORD's will in the midst of His people.
The "exile's baggage" (Ezek 12:3) and the manner of consumption of meals ("eat your bread with quaking, and drink water with trembling and with anxiety", Ezek 12:18) signified the insecurity and lostness associated with living in a manner against the will of the LORD.
REFLECTIONS: Are we sensitive to what the LORD is doing in our lives today, including those around us? Is there a "symbolic act" happening that we also need to be sensitive to?
Balanced against this doom was the LORD's determination to restore the status of His word in the midst of His people, "The days are near ... there shall be no more any false vision of flattering divination within the house of Israel" (Ezek 12:23-24).
REFLECTIONS: Are we also determined to get rid of falsehood and "strategic" use of flattery in the spiritual community?
星期二 2024年8月20日 今日读经:以西结书12章.