QT 21/11/2024 Thu Ezekiel 47. Dead Sea transformed to Living Sea. 死海变活海。
QT 21/11/2024 Thu Ezekiel 47. Dead Sea transformed to Living Sea.
READ https://www.esv.org/Eze+47/
MEDITATION: In what ways would the waters of the Dead Sea near "the Arabah ... become fresh" (Ezek 47:8) such that it will support "very many fish" (Ezek 47:9)?
It's so salty now (6X ocean salinity) that its buoyancy supports you effortlessly. How was it possible that "Fishermen will stand beside the sea. From Engedi to Eneglaim" (Ezek 47:10) when Engedi was still a desert?
REFLECTION: Do we feel that our lives are like a desert or the Dead Sea now? How would this vision give us hope?
In the vision shown to Ezekiel, the water supply from the sanctuary of the temple gave life wherever it went, Ezek 47:9 says that "Every living creature that swarms will live." So would also "all kinds of trees for food" (Ezek 47:12).
Significantly, the phrase "and their leaves for healing" (Ezek 47:12) reminds us of Rev 22:2, which says that "The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
The land should be divided (Ezek 47:13-21) because such an abundantly watered land was a blessing to be enjoyed by all. This was an OPPORTUNITY open not only to "the tribes of Israel" (Ezek 47:21,22,23) but also to those OUTSIDE the faith ("the sojourners", Ezek 47:22,23).
APPLICATION: Believe and preach the life giving salvation of the LORD to the nations, not forgetting those quarters whom we do not see as particularly life sustaining (like the Dead Sea). God can work there too.
Archaeological analogy: The Gihon spring runs into the city of Jerusalem during the times of the Canaanites, David (2Samuel 5:8), and Hezekiah (2Chronicles 32:30). The water is still running today, even though the surrounding areas might be perpetually parched land. As long as this same spring flows downhill from Jerusalem eastwards towards the Dead Sea and Arabah area, it was just a matter of time, that the Arabah would "become fresh" (Ezek 47:8).
Since this is already possible and actual in a small geological way, won't the promise of Ezek 47:8-9 be more than believable for worshipers today?
星期四 2024年11月21日. 以西结书47章。死海变活海。
考古类比: 在迦南人、大卫(撒母耳记下 5:8)和希西家(历代志下 32:30)时代,吉宏泉水流入耶路撒冷城。尽管周围地区可能永远是一片干涸的土地,但这泉水至今仍在流淌。只要这股泉水从耶路撒冷向东流向死海和亚拉巴地区,亚拉巴地区 “使水变甜”(以西结书 47:8)只是时间的问题。
既然这在微小的地质学上已经成为可能和现实,那么以西结书 47:8-9 中的应许对于今天的敬拜者来说不就更加可信了吗?