QT 22/02/2024 Thursday Luke 1. Positive responses required. 作出积极回应的需要。
QT 22/02/2024 Thursday Luke 1
Read Luke 1, with Luke & Acts in mind. Luke & Acts form Part 1 & Part 2 respectively of the works addressed to Theophilus (Luke 1:3 & Acts 1:1), even though the Gospel of John separates them in the Bible now.
When reading Luke & Acts,
(1) Think of a seemingly insignificant little stream that begins high in the mountains, growing into bigger streams and rivers and finally flowing into the great oceans of the world.
(2) Think about the Gospel of the resurrected Jesus Christ, powering to the ends of the earth by the Holy Spirit (from Jerusalem to the powercentre of Luke's day, Rome, at the end of Acts). Along the way, the gospel gathers the faithful, the outcasts and the lowly.
Luke 1 displays the faith of an ordinary woman in contrast with the doubts of a man.
Zechariah the priest (Luke 1:5), was on DUTY in the Jerusalem TEMPLE (Luke 1:8-9). He was in the supposedly MOST "LIKELY" place to communicate with God - near the "altar of incense" (Luke 1:11). Angelic beings were probably also sewn onto the curtain BEHIND that altar.
But in this Holy Place he did not believe in the angel who spoke of his wife's pregnancy (Luke 1:20)! This was a matter he already PRAYED ABOUT—"your prayer has been heard" (Luke 1:13). In contrast, his wife Elizabeth celebrated the pregnancy with the firm declaration that the Lord has done this for her (Luke 1:25).
On the other hand, Mary was in the kampung town of Nazareth up north in Galilee and NOT ON religious duty. She accepted the news of herself being chosen to be the mother of the Messiah. She affirmed that "I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38).
Nevertheless, both Zechariah (Luke 1:67-79) and Mary (Luke 1:46-55) sang songs of praise later.
REFLECTION (1): Can you list out the missions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ as portrayed in Luke 1? Are you joining them as the Gospel continues to cruise along in the world today?
REFLECTION (2): Are you responding positively to God's plan in your lives regardless of whether you are high or low in religious offices, whether you are higher or lower on the social or educational "ladder"?
星期四 2024年2月22日 今日读经:路加福音1章。 作出积极回应的需要。
(1) 试着想象,有一条不起眼的小溪从山的高处流下,变成越来越大的溪流和河流,最后流到世界上的海洋里去。
(2) 试想想,复活的耶稣基督的福音,以圣灵的大能传到地极去(从耶路撒冷到路加时代的权力中心,罗马,在使徒行传的结尾会读到)。一路上,福音召集了忠心的、被歧视的和低贱的人。