QT 22/05/2024 Wed. Acts 15. Dispute Resolution Skills. 解决纠纷的技巧。

QT 22/05/2024 Wed. Acts 15. Dispute Resolution Skills. 解决纠纷的技巧。
1/320s, f2.8, ISO 2000, 45mm.

QT 22/05/2024 Wed. Acts 15.


How do you preach the unchanging truths of the gospel to ever changing local environments? Many people have the bible in their hands, including the cults and the heretics. How are you different from them? Answer: Your cooking method.

The issue in Acts 15 was that "Unless you are circumcised .... you cannot be saved" (Acts 15:1,5). For the Jews, doing away with circumcision was unthinkable because it was "according to the custom of Moses" (Acts 15:1). For the Gentiles, this was an alien requirement. What was the METHODOLOGY in Acts 15 to solve the impasse?

(1) They chose to MEET (Acts 15:6): Even Paul and Barnabas, the star evangelists of those days, had to go to Jerusalem to seek an answer from the church leaders (Acts 15:2,6);

(2) They DISCUSSED much (Acts 15:7): (a) The proponents of circumcision (Pharisees) had their say (Acts 15:5); (b) A fellow Jew (Peter) who opposed it spoke (Acts 15:7-11) - reminding them of the difficulties; and (c) Those from the mission field, Barnabas & Paul spoke (Acts 15:4,12).

(3) The LEADER CONCLUDED (15:13-21): The decision was based on considerations from various angles:

[a] SCRIPTURE (Amos 9:11,12) quoted in Acts 15:16-18, which reminded them that Gentiles were included in God's plan all along;

[b] The impact on the preaching and acceptance of GOSPEL (Acts 15:19), "not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God";

[c] SENSITIVITIES for one another - the Gentiles are NOT to exercise their liberty to eat whatever they wanted (Acts 15:20) in view of the presence of Jews among their community (Acts 15:21);

[d] Exercise of personal JUDGMENT (Acts 15:19,28);

[e] Guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT (Acts 15:28);

[f] Emphasis on more IMPORTANT PRACTICAL matters—abstaining from "sexual immorality" (Acts 15:20);

[g] INPUT from those who are CREDIBLE and are ACTUALLY CARRYING the burden—those who have "risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ", i.e., Barnabas & Paul (Acts 15:26), their EXPERIENCES of God's work.

[h] Being sensitive and careful with words (Acts 15:20,21 & 15:23-29). Did you notice that even though the issue was on "circumcision", the WORDING of the decision (Acts 15:28-29) DID NOT even mention that word?

[i] For this, we see that the Jewish TRADITIONS are considered but they do not become the overriding factor in the decision;

[j] Use of PERSONAL TOUCH (Acts 15:27, 30-33). Besides the sending of the LETTER, the church in Jerusalem also SENT PERSONS, 2 outstanding people in fact (Acts 15:30). Others also "said much to encourage and strengthen the brothers" (15:32). Printed Times Romans letters on paper are never sufficient to solve theological or relational impasse.

APPLICATION: The community interpretation of Scripture is best in view of the sinfulness of mankind. A robust view of the FALLEN nature of mankind enables us to be HUMBLE and seek guidance from one another.

Just to prove this point, Paul and Barnabas QUARRELLED before this chapter closed (Acts 15:36-41). Thank Luke for including that reminder.

星期三2024年5月22日 今日读经:使徒行传15章。解决纠纷的技巧。



  1. 他们选择聚在一起(徒15:6):甚至保罗和巴拿巴,当时的出名布道家,也去到了耶路撒冷向教会长老请教答案(徒15:2,6);

2. 他们商议了很久(徒15:7):(a)支持割礼的(法利赛人)发言了(徒15:5);(b)犹太人(彼得)反对并且也发言了(徒15:7-11)--他提醒了他们将面临的种种难处;(c)那些宣教士,巴拿巴和保罗也开口了(徒15:4,12)。

3. 那领袖做了总结(徒15:13-21):最后的决定是从不同角度根据各种考量来决定的:

(a) 使徒行传15:16-18里所引述的经文(阿摩司9:11,12),提醒他们外族人一直都包括在神的计划里;

(b) 传讲和接受福音的果效(徒15:19),“不可难为这些归服 神的外族人”;

(c) 对彼此间的敏感度--外族人不可随个人自由想吃什么就吃什么(徒15:20),而要顾虑到群体里的犹太人(徒15:21);

(d) 个人的自由判断(徒15:19,28);

(e) 圣灵的引导(徒15:28);

(f) 强调更重要更实际的事--禁戒“淫乱”(徒15:20);

(g) 那些可信的人并且真的在背负重担的人的意见--那些“为了我们主耶稣基督的名,曾经把性命置之度外”的人,如巴拿巴和保罗(徒15:26),他们经历神的工作。

(h) 敏感和谨慎用词(徒15:20,21&15:23-29)。你可有发现到,所提到的虽是“割礼”,那个决定在用词上(徒15:28-29)却一点也没有提到?

(i) 为此,我们看到犹太人的传统是考量的因素之一但却不是促成这决定的覆盖性因素;

(j) 使用个人的风格(徒15:27,30-33)。除了寄信外,耶路撒冷的教会也派遣了人,两个都是非常特出的(徒15:30)。其他人也“说了许多话劝勉弟兄,坚固他们”(15:32)。印在纸上的罗马文字的信是永远不足以解决神学或打破关系上的僵局。

