QT 22/08/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 14. Rid idols from hearts. 去除心中的偶像。

QT 22/08/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 14. Rid idols from hearts. 去除心中的偶像。

QT 22/08/2024 Thu. Ezekiel 14. Rid idols from hearts.‌‌READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze14

MEDITATION: The LORD continued to explain to Ezekiel why Israel ended up in the current disaster.

(1) They took "their idols into their hearts" (Ezek 14:3) but yet came to the prophet for advice (Ezek 14:4). The LORD punished them so that He might get their hearts back to worship Him (Ezek 14:5).

APPLICATION: Joining religious activities is no guarantee that idols do not exist in our hearts. Ask for a reality check from a trusted member of our cell group. Check whether our passion, energy and resources are channelled to any other things or persons, other than the LORD.

(2) The names of Noah, Daniel and Job were mentioned twice. Even these great people of Israel's history could not deliver Israel (Ezek 14:14,20). This reflected the LORD's resolve to discipline and restore them in His own way.

REFLECTION: Being in the company of spiritual people increases the chances of being influenced positively. However, experiencing spiritual growth involves taking true ownership of worshiping the LORD, and not just merely joining a worship event or mingle among spiritual giants. Are our faith our parents', girl/boy friends' or our own?

星期四 2024年8月22日 今日读经:以西结书14章。 去除心中的偶像。
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezekiel 14&version=CUVS


(1) 他们“把他们的偶像接到心里去”(结14:3)但却来见先知求他指点(结14:4)。耶和华按他们的罪报应他们好夺回以色列的心来敬拜祂(结14:5)。


(2) 挪亚、但以理和约伯的名字两次都被提到。就连以色列历史上的这些伟人都无法救赎以色列(结14:14,20)。这反映了耶和华以他的方式管教并复兴他们的一颗决心。
