QT 22/09/2024 Sun. Ezekiel 26. Warning against pride towards God. 告诫人们不要在上帝面前骄傲。
QT 22/09/2024 Sun. Ezekiel 26.
MEDITATION: The city of Tyre gloated when Jerusalem suffered (Ezek 26:2). But Tyre itself was included in the oracles of the LORD against the foreign nations. The LORD was sovereign over all.
Tyre was made up of a coastal city and an island opposite it "in the midst of the sea" (Ezek 26:4-5). Wars were fought there throughout history, including Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon (Ezek 26:7-12) and later Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.
Note that Nebuchadnezzar was even described as "king of kings" (Ezek 26:7). Nevertheless, the prophetic book of Ezekiel clearly showed that the true King of kings over nations was the LORD Himself. He was the one who "will bring Nebuchadnezzar against Tyre from the north" (Ezek 26:7).
If a nation or a person seek to make themselves standout as special—special in the negative sense of being famous for evil or ungodliness, they would also "stand out" in the eyes of God for special attention. Other nations like Tyre, Egypt and Babylon were such nations.
The word Egypt was used as a byword for the slavery, immorality, and idolatry. Babylon equates with violent and godless governing styles, conquests and political rein. Tyre is a byword for priding in her own wealth and self-sufficiency that denied God's participation in the nation (26:1–6).
REFLECTION: The LORD was the true King over all. Let us reflect on how much we submit to the true King and how much loyalty, energy and resources we have kept to ourselves instead of surrendering to Him for His purposes.
星期日 2024年9月26日 今日读经:以西结书26章. 告诫人们不要在上帝面前骄傲。
如果一个国家或一个人试图使自己脱颖而出,成为特别的--特别的消极含义是因邪恶或不虔诚而出名,那么他们在上帝眼中也会 “脱颖而出”,受到特别的关注。推罗、埃及和巴比伦就是这样的国家。