QT 23/01/2024 Tuesday Matthew 20. Ministry: A contract? 事奉:是合同吗?
QT 23/01/2024 Tuesday Matthew 20
Jesus' death was the focus of his ministry (Matt 20:17) though this was not welcomed by the disciples. In addition, Jesus' teachings on greatness & humility were rejected (Matt 20:20-28). Ironically, blind eyes could recognise Jesus, while good eyes could not (Matt 20:29-34).
REFLECTION: Why was the one who worked for 1 hour only paid the same as the one who worked 12 hours? Why should the 6:00 a.m. group COMPLAIN when the owner FULFILLED his part of the "agreement"?
The 6 a.m. group worked by AGREEMENT (Matt 20:2) - a denarius IN EXCHANGE for one day's work. I give you my one day labour's worth - You give me a denarius: It's THE DEAL. It's JUST a contract.
The 9 a.m. group worked, but on the basis that the landowner will pay: "Whatever is right I will give you" (Matt 20:4). The GENEROSITY of the landowner was being relied upon.
The 12 noon group and the 3 p.m. group received "the same" treatment from the landowner (Matt 20:5). It seems that the 5 p.m. group was hired partly because "no one has hired us" (Matt 20:7).
REFLECTION: Was the concern of the landowner now ON the unemployment of the workers rather than on the needs of his vineyard?
For the 5 p.m. group, the landowner did not even mention that the payment would be "whatever is "right". But the workers did not mind. They WERE relieved that they were even roped in at the last minute.
The "first in last paid" rule ordered by the landowner (Matt 20:8) offered the "early employees" the chance to view the whole payment process.
Where is the punch of the parable?
- When you serve God, do not get into the "mere contract" mentality, i.e., "God if I serve you in this way, you MUST reward me in this and this way". It's a deal.
A negative example: "God, if I serve you faithfully in ministry at S-Word, you must give me a good girlfriend in exchange". Or else, "What then will there be for us? (Matt 19:27), or "What do I GAIN?"
Do not fix the rule for God. If you did, then God must answer to you (and your rule) and you "will be like God" (Gen 3:5). The universe belongs to God. He need not account to you for anything, especially His generosity.
The complaint of the 6:00 a.m. group is NOT that they DID NOT receive what they had BARGAINED for. It is that the 5:00 p.m. group (Matt 20:12) received what they DID NOT DESERVE. Their WRONGFUL attitude is this:
3a. "I am not satisfied with what I have expressly asked for and got";
3b. "Even though I got what I had wanted, I do not want others to get more than what I GOT". This smacks of selfishness and envy.
- Those who TRUSTED God's generosity got more than those who AGREED or BARGAINED with God based on law and contract.
REFLECTION: Why am I serving in ministry today? Is there a hidden "bargain" somewhere unknown to yourselves but very CLEAR to those around you?
Note: The word "For" in Matt 20:1 links this parable to the previous one and both ended with "the last will be first, and the first will be last" (Matt 19:30 & 20:16).
REFLECTION: Is the pre-occupation with "self" the link between them?
星期二 2024年1月23日 今日读经:马太福音20章
清晨6点的那组工人是按着约定工作的(太20:2)- 一天的工钱是一个银币。我给你做一天的活儿--你给我一个银币:这是说好的交易。那不过是份合约。
当你在事奉神的时候,不要有这种“纯合约性质”的心态,就好比说,“神啊,如果我如此如此地事奉你,你就要如此如此地奖励我”。这是一项交易。 举一个较负面的例子:“神啊,如果我在为道的事工上忠心地服事,你一定要给我一个很好的女朋友作为交换。”否则,“我们会得到什么呢?(太19:27),或“我会得到什么好处?”
- 那些信靠神的恩典的,得到的比那些按照法律和合约同意或与神交易的那些人更多。