QT 23/06/2024 Sun. Romans 12. Unity: United in service and worship. 合一:在服事和敬拜中团结一致

QT 23/06/2024 Sun. Romans 12. Unity: United in service and worship. 合一:在服事和敬拜中团结一致

QT 23/06/2024 Sun. Romans 12. Unity: United in service and worship.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/rom12

Rom 12:1-21 is the LOGICAL consequence of Romans 1-11, linked by the "Therefore" in Rom 12:1. Let your actions today be BASED on WHO you are in God's eyes, rather than conformation "to this world" (Rom 12:2).

Romans 1-11 describes God's mercies (Rom 12:1). It is because of these mercies that Paul now finds the BASIS to urge them "to present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God".


All are under God's wrath (Rom 1). No one is righteous, neither Jews nor Gentiles (Rom 2). All have sinned but can be saved by the substitutionary work of Christ (Rom 3). Righteousness is obtained through faith (Rom 4). Both Jews and Gentiles have links with Abraham (Rom 4) - through faith. We have peace and joy through Christ (Rom 5).

Believers should be dead to sin because we are alive in Christ (Rom 6), like being married to Christ only (Rom 7), having life through the Spirit (Rom 8). God is sovereign to bring some Jewish and some Gentile believers to Christ (the "true" Israel) in His own way and time, something which can be investigated but quite unfathomable now (Rom 9-11).

Therefore, Paul urges the "renewing of your mind" if this will of God is to be absorbed and understood (Rom 12:2). Coming back to the theme of unity and acceptance of believers in Christ, Paul reminds the believers :-

BE HUMBLE: "Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think" (Rom 12:3). "Outdo one another in showing honor" (Rom 12:10). "Do not be haughty... Never be wise in your own sight" (Rom 12:16). REFLECTION: Do I frequently play the supervisor's role even though I am NOT the supervisor?

BE COMMUNITY MINDED: "So we, though many, are one body in Christ" (Rom 12:5). This includes bringing to the COMMUNITY what God has given DIVERSELY (Rom 12:6-8), living "in harmony with one another" (Roms 12:16).

PERSEVERE IN EDIFYING OTHERS: In love (Rom 12:9), in holding fast to good rather than evil (Rom 12:9), being zealous (Rom 12:11), sharing with those in need with hospitality (Rom 12:13).

BLESS, DON'T CURSE: This includes blessing "those who persecute you" (Rom 12:14), not revengeful (Rom 12:17,19) but leave it to God (Rom 12:19). Live peaceably to the best of our abilities (Rom 12:18), even doing good towards enemies (Rom 12:20), overcoming "evil with good" (Rom 12:21).

星期日 2024年6月23日 今日读经:罗马书12章. 合一:在服事和敬拜中团结一致


罗马书1-11章描述了神的怜悯(罗12:1)。正是因为这些怜悯,保罗现在找到了呼吁他们“要把身体献上,作圣洁而蒙 神悦纳的活祭”的根基。







