QT 23/07/2024 Tue. 2Cor 1. Being Teachable. 受教的心态.

QT 23/07/2024 Tue. 2Cor 1. Being Teachable. 受教的心态.

QT 23/07/2024 Tue. 2Cor 1
READ http://www.esvbible.org/2cor1

Corinth in Paul's time was a well connected cosmopolitan centre of trade. Paul first preached there in A.D. 50, stayed 18 months (Acts 18:4,7) but followed up via letters and messengers. The First Corinthian letter, and the visits of Timothy and Erastus was insufficient to solve the major problems there (Acts 19:22; 1Cor 16:10).

Paul visited them himself. His discipline caused them much pain and they rejected him, "His letters are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account." (2Cor 10:10)

Paul went back to Ephesus, made up his mind "not to make another painful visit to you" (2Cor 2:1), in order "to spare" them more pain (2Cor 1:23). He wrote 2Cor to them instead.

The Apostle reminded them of the sufferings he and his co-workers had to go through in Asia to bring the gospel to them (2Cor 1:8-11), how God answered prayers (2Cor 1:11) and their exemplary conduct (2Cor 1:12).

Worldly wisdom of the Corinthian brand was to be avoided in favour of relying on God's grace (2Cor 1:12). Paul reminded them subtly that God had appointed him over them  (2Cor 1:21-22) reminding them that "Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, for you stand firm in your faith." (2Cor 1:24)

REFLECTION: For the appointed leaders that are leading, are our ways exemplary? For all who are following at one time or another, are we co-operating with our leaders? (Especially when the task is a thankless one, yet necessary for the health of the whole church)

星期二 2024年7月23日 今日读经:哥林多后书1章. 受教的心态.

保罗时代的哥林多是一个四通八达的国际贸易中心。保罗在公元50年的时候第一次在那里讲道,住了18个月(使徒行传18:4,7) 但之后通过书信和同工来跟进。他虽然写了哥林多前书给他们,加上提摩太和以拉都的探访,还是不足以解决在那里的严重问题(使徒行传19:22;林前16:10)。


保罗回去以弗所,决定“到你们那里去的时候,不再是忧愁的”(林后 2:1), 因为要“宽容”他们(林后1:23)。他为此给他们写了哥林多后书。


