QT 23/08/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 15. Feel His Pain. 感受祂的痛苦。
QT 23/08/2024 Fri. Ezekiel 15. Feel His Pain.
READ http://www.esvbible.org/eze15
MEDITATION: Ezek 15:6 referred to the serious matter of how the LORD viewed Judah and Jerusalem in those times: "... So have I given up the inhabitants of Jerusalem" (Ezek 15:6), as "fire for fuel" (Ezek 15:4,6).
The vine could not be made into a useful "peg from it to hang any vessel on it" (Ezek 15:3) even when not charred nor burnt. How much less worth would it be when "the fire has consumed both ends of it, and the middle of it is charred" (Ezek 15:4)?
The LORD's anguish against idolatry was highlighted here. His people should have been "like a vine in a vineyard ... fruitful and full of branches" (Ezek 19:10). But now, regrettably, they resembled charred vines. Thus the LORD said that "I will set my face against them" (Ezek 15:7), such that they would be consumed and the land made desolate (Ezek 15:7-8).
REFLECTION: Other than the LORD, what keeps occupying your mind from Monday to Sunday is most probably your "god" or idol. It might unknowingly be your reputation, glory or just mere self-grandiose, self delusion.
This thing takes centre-stage in your mind, calendaring and financial decisions. When alternative matters compete for your attention and resources, your idol (if any) would always win. Do we have idols like these?
APPLICATION: Cultivate the fear of the LORD. Fear Him and flee from idols.
星期五 2024年8月23日 今日读经:以西结书15章。 感受祂的痛苦。
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezekiel 15&version=CUVS