QT 23/09/2024 Mon. Ezekiel 27. Pride before fall, nothing new. 先骄傲后堕落,不稀奇。
QT 23/09/2024 Mon. Ezekiel 27.
MEDITATION: Accomplishment, pride, judgment, fall.
The city of Tyre engaged in prideful praise, "I am perfect in beauty" (Ezek 27:3). There was pride in her perfection (Ezek 27:4), exquisite contruction materials used (Ezek 27:5-11) and gloated in her supposed trade connections or business acumen (Ezek 27:12-24).
The accomplishments led to sinful pride that broadcasted glory in self rather than attributing them to the LORD who gave life and all that we have.
Whenever we try to position ourselves (whether at the workplace, during festive occasions or in church life) in order to magnify self-glory, we lose focus on the sovereign LORD of all nations.
APPLICATION: Pay attention to the destiny of ancient Tyre whose riches and crew sank "into the heart of the seas on the day of your fall" (Ezek 27:27). Flee from an inflated ego. Instead give glory to God with a grateful heart.
星期一 2024年9月23日 今日读经:以西结书27章。先骄傲后堕落,不稀奇。