QT 24/05/2024 Friday Daniel 12. The wise turn many to righteousness. 智慧人使许多人归义。
QT 24/05/2024 Friday Daniel 12. The wise turn many to righteousness.
MEDITATION: The vision of the future resurrection (Dan 12:2) pointed Daniel and his subsequent readers to the reality of what was coming, even though the words were to be shut up and sealed "until the time of the end" (Dan 12:4,9).
Be clear about this: everyone will resurrect, those who "sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake" (Dan 12:2). The difference is this: "some to everlasting LIFE, and some to SHAME and everlasting CONTEMPT" (Dan 12:2).
REFLECTION: Are we "those who are wise"? Are we "those who turn many to righteousness"? (Dan 12:3) If yes, then we shall "shine" (Dan 12:3). Or are we foolish, leading whoever we talk to into darkness, sin and confusion?
God's people would face many challenges (Dan 12:7), but "the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream" (Dan 12:7) knew the timetable and events of what was to come (Dan 12:7,11-13).
APPLICATION: (1) ANTICIPATE: Be among the blessed who "waits and arrives" (Dan 12:12). (2) RENOVATE: Be among those who "purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined" (Dan 12:10). (3) ACTIVATE: "Go your way, Daniel" (Dan 12:9), "But go your way till the end" (Dan 12:13). God's exact timetable will run. Run with Him till "the end of the days" (Dan 12:13).
Don't miss out on the great offer of everlasting life that the LORD is still offering you today!
星期五2024年5月24日 今日读经:但以理书12章。智慧人使许多人归义。
应用:(1)期待:做那“等候到来”的人,因那人是有福的(但12:12)。(2)更新:“洁净自己,使自己洁白,并且被熬炼”(但12:10)。(3)启动: “但以理啊!你只管去吧”(但12:9),“你应去等待结局”(但12:13)。神确切的时间表会运行。和祂一起跑,一直跑“到了末日”(但12:13)。