QT 25/03/2024 Monday [GDF2] Condemnation of commerce & spirituality done wrong 谴责错误的商业和精神活动 Mark11:15–18
![QT 25/03/2024 Monday [GDF2] Condemnation of commerce & spirituality done wrong 谴责错误的商业和精神活动 Mark11:15–18](/content/images/size/w1200/2023/11/20240325-week-15-day-2-mark11-15-18.jpg)
QT 25/03/2024 Monday [GDF2]
Condemnation of commerce & spirituality done wrong
Day 2's given passage was about Jesus, after entering Jerusalem by the eastern gate, cursing the fig tree, now condemning the misuse of the Temple. He "began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons" (Mark 11:15).
Exchanging money to aid temple tax payers, or selling pigeons to assist the poor folks to fulfill required sacrifices were providing a "useful service" for pilgrims. Jesus did not oppose paying of temple tax nor legitimate commerce, but rather doing these commercial activities at the wrong time and place–in the Temple and in close proximity to the activity of the "house of prayer for all the nations" (11:17).
Note that Jesus' condemnation was not only on those who sold, but also "those who bought in the temple" (11:15). The Temple had wrongly "transformed" from a place specifically built for prayer and drawing near to God, to become a shopping and merchandise mall, even a transport interchange hub ("he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple", 11:16).
Response (1): The chief priests and the scribes, those with vested interest in temple commerce, "were seeking a way to destroy him" (11:18). This response is wrong.
Response (2): Avoid being like the fruitless fig tree (11:12-14) and the prayerless & heartless worship activities. Instead, the passage highlighted the importance of fruitfulness in activities related to the temple. The temple should not house greedy leaders who officialised the activities of "den of robbers", to aid a limited few, abusing power, wealth and control.
REFLECTION: Keep in mind the temple was to manifest God's presence and people's worship of the wonderful God in response, for all nations and people who are willing to come sincerely. God drove previous generations to exile, Jesus drive out some too here, and even overturned tables. Purity requires drastic actions, the necessity of Jesus' death on the cross included.
星期一 2024年3月25日 今日读经:马可福音11:15–18章. 谴责错误的商业和精神活动.
第二天的经文讲的是耶稣从东门进入耶路撒冷后,咒诅了无花果树,现在又谴责了滥用圣殿的行为。祂 "就把殿里作买卖的人赶走,又推倒找换银钱的人的桌子,和卖鸽子的人的凳子"(马可福音 11:15)。
换钱帮助圣殿纳税人,或卖鸽子帮助穷人完成规定的献祭,都是在为朝圣者提供 "有用的服务"。耶稣并不反对缴纳圣殿税,也不反对合法的商业活动,而是反对在错误的时间和地点从事这些商业活动,而且是在圣殿里,在 "为万民祷告的殿"(11:17)附近。
请注意,耶稣谴责的不仅是那些卖东西的人,还有 "在殿里买东西的人"(11:15)。圣殿已经错误地 "转变 "了,从一个专门为祷告和亲近上帝而建的地方,变成了一个购物和商品商场,甚至是一个交通枢纽(祂"不许人拿着器皿穿过圣殿",11:16)。
回应 (1): 祭司长和文士,那些在圣殿商业中拥有既得利益的人,"正在想办法毁灭他"(11:18)。这种回答是错误的。
回应 (2): 避免像不结果的无花果树(11:12-14)和无心祷告的敬拜活动一样。这段经文强调了在与圣殿有关的活动中结果实的重要性。圣殿不应容纳那些将 "强盗窝 "的活动官方化的贪婪领袖,以帮助少数人,滥用权力、财富和控制权。